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Default value at table level



Hi Friends! Newby here ....

Most of my records (leads) will be entered via uploading csv files. Many times a certain value is unavailable to me so I leave it blank. But in the table, I want to have a default value for this lead when in the original csv this value is empty.  I know how to make a default value at the DP level but how about at the table level where I will be doing the uploading/importing?



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Interesting task. Triggers may not be an option for you as you say you will be importing csv files into Caspio. What I could think is that you may have a formula field in your table with the following code:

ELSE [the field]

It means, in your datapages, you will use this formula field to display data. We are saying that if your field is blank, then use the default value but if it is not empty, then use the value entered.

Let me know if that makes sense.

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16 hours ago, Vanellope said:

You can create a Triggered Action from the Table itself: http://prntscr.com/m1z5mt

So the Run Action goes like this:


Upon Data Insert, update from Inserted -> Field name where  Id=Id.


Let me know if this works for you.

Hi @GiantFlamingo,

Just to add up with Vanellope's  comment, for more details about triggered action, you can check the link below as it contains useful information about triggered action.



I hope this helps.



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Hi there!

I found a similar inquiry from the forums:

On 3/27/2018 at 8:08 AM, janetflorence said:

HI. Does anyone know if you can use insert or update triggered actions on import? I have a data table I import data weekly in batches. This table has triggered actions on insert. The actions works if individual records are inserted through a submission form, but we typically do not insert table this way into this particular table. It is so much easier to batch import, but then I need certain information to be shared with another table, which I have set up with a triggered action. Thanks for the help!


Somebody answered it saying:

On 10/7/2018 at 4:12 PM, AnchovyXL said:

As of now, this is still not a standard feature of Caspio.

You can use the ideabox to and suggest it to be a feature or you can just vote.

Here is the link : http://ideabox.caspio.com/forums/164206-caspio-bridge/suggestions/34411633-make-the-triggered-actions-run-on-importing-of-new

Hope this helps.


I tested it on my end too, the trigger works if I input the Data manually, but the trigger does not execute during imports. 


I have checked the documentation and it did say that Triggered Actions currently will not run from import of data through either manual import or DataHub tasks. 

You can check in the "Additional Notes about Triggered Actions" in this link: https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/triggered-actions/

I hope this helps!

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