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Insert filter parameter into new Inline insert record on a report



I am trying to create a pop-up child form in the form of a Tabular Report datapage, as I want the user to be able to edit information relating to existing contacts or add a new contact for the organization; the organization is unique and represented by Org_ID on the original Submission Form. For additional records, I hope to set the  inline insert value for the organization to its Org_ID, which is the parameter I want to filter the report on. If at all possible I would like to hide this Org_ID, and show the organization name either in the tabular report or ever better in the  report Header.

The link to open a pop-up would be next to the select a contact dropdown on the Submission form.

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So as I understand you would like to have a pop link to a predefined report. The ID is getting from the selected option from a dropdown and is being passed through a URL.  If that is the case for the dropdown that user selects organization name, have the value that is being saved to be ID and to dispaly the name. This field should be above the HTML block you want to add the hyper link to. Then use the code below to write the link when an organization is being selected :


<div id="reportlink"></div>

document.addEventListener("DataPageReady", function (event){
document.getElementById("Org_ID").onchange= function (){

var recordid = document.getElementsByName("cbParamVirtual1")[0].value;

document.getElementById("reportlink").innerHTML ='<a href="REPORTPAGEURL?Org_ID= '+ recordid + '" onclick="window.open(this.href, \'report\', \'resizable=no,status=no,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,fullscreen=no,scrollbars=no,dependent=no\'); return false;">Report</a>';



Replace REPORTPAGEURL with the URL of the report DataPage

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Thanks MayMusic

I think I have not been clear in my request.  I have a Search and Report form, in which a search by Country and Institution (the latter is required). The report shows Contacts and their details per the selected Institution. What I would like to do is that when users want to add a new Contact for this Institution (via Inline Insert at the Top of the Tabular Report) that the Institution Name and Country are automatically filled in.


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