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JS Date Restrictions Quit Working

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Years ago I added some JavaScript to my forms to prevent clients from selecting a "due date" that isn't at least two weeks in the future. Recently that code has stopped working, and all submissions are allowed through, regardless of the date selected. I think this may be tied to the recent Caspio updates. At least, that's all that I can see; the forms themselves haven't changed.

Below I'm pasting my JS, which resides in the footer area of my forms. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! (BTW, I know two weeks is 14 days, not 13. But my users don't seem to recognize that, so I made this small allowance.)


function check_date()
var entered_value = document.getElementById("InsertRecorddateNeeded").value;
var entered_date = new Date(entered_value);

var two_week_date = new Date();
two_week_date.setDate(two_week_date.getDate() + 13);

if(entered_date < two_week_date)
      alert("Must be at least 2 weeks in future");
      return false;



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There's a possibility that the reason it's not working now is because of the recent Caspio update. Event like onsubmit will no longer be supported and you need to use Caspio's built-in event handlers. Kindly please check the link below for more information:



I hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, edujobs2k10 —

This is untested, but it should work. I only changed the variable name and set "permitted_date" to be today's date plus 0 days, then changed the text of the error message. The user should now only be allowed to select today or a day in the future, nothing in the past.

First, be sure that AJAX isn't allowed to run on your form. Then, paste the following into your form's footer:


function check_date()
var entered_value = document.getElementById("InsertRecorddateNeeded").value;
var entered_date = new Date(entered_value);

var permitted_date = new Date();
permitted_date.setDate(permitted_date.getDate() + 0);

if(entered_date < permitted_date)
      alert("Cannot be a date in the past");
      return false;

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On 9/3/2018 at 9:47 AM, edujobs2k18 said:

Hi Guys,

How to block user to choose past date from calendar in a form? User should not allow to choose a past date from calendar in "Date0" field. I am unable to do so.

Hi @edujobs2k18,

You may try to use the following Javascript solution:  

<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function(event) {
var entered_value = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDate0").value;
var entered_date = new Date(entered_value);

var permitted_date = new Date();

if(entered_date <  permitted_date)
      alert("Cannot be a date in the past");
      return false;

This solution is designed for Submission form with AJAX enabled. Also, field name "Date0" used from your post.

Hope this helps.




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