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Multi-column Lookup list in a DataPage



I need to set up a multi-column lookup list in the middle of a datapage.  I have looked extensively and have not yet found an example.  It would seem that others may have had this need.

It looks like the existing listbox is not set up, yet, to handle multiple fields/columns.  I am open to a HTML block solution,  but, I don't know enough HTML myself to know how to build a multi-row, multi-column table dynamically that ties to a table.  (the count of qualified records varies depending on the client business being profiled).  The solution may be a data array built in javascript with nested for loops, that would feed the HTML table. 

I also have another multi-column lookup list where the cells/values of one of the columns needs to be editable.  Currently records in the listbox control are not editable.  I can build a static HTML table that includes edit boxes.  The challenge here might be how to make this dynamic off a lookup dataset and insure that changed values in those edit boxes write back to the table they came from.

I've even looked at an alternative solution of  setting up a separate results table on a different datapage and then embed that in the middle of the datapage.  But, currently Caspio does not seem to have the ability to embed a small tabular object from one datapage, into another.  (The only way to do this seems to be to mash up two datapages on a webpage... but this does not give the user the in-line experience.

Looking for expert guidance.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.  Again, it seems like several other Caspio developers would have a use for such a solution.  (maybe one is obvious and I am just not seeing it.)


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For the multi-column lookup, I don't think it's possible using standard features of Caspio. It will indeed require some custom codings. I tried searching online for similar codes but found it a bit tedious and complex. I would suggest though that you put it in their Ideabox (http://ideabox.caspio.com/forums/164206-caspio-bridge)

For the listbox, I think these solutions can help you:

Add Options to Public Facing Dropdowns or Listboxes- https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/add-an-option-to-a-public-facing-dropdown/

Dynamically Add Options to Dropdowns or Listboxes- https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/automatically-add-options-to-dropdowns-and-listboxes/


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