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Contained in this HTML block are two options:

Google Doc<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="[@field:Employee_Document_Link]" target="_blank"><img alt="File Quick View" src="http://account-ability.net/webapps/hca/images/Entypo_e731(1)_32.png" style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" /></a><br />

<br />

Uploaded Doc<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="https://c0axa147.caspio.com/dp/76292000e18ad3e841834930b209?Employee_Document_ID=[@field:Employee_Document_ID]" target="_blank"><img alt="File Quick View" src="http://account-ability.net/webapps/hca/images/Entypo_e731(1)_32.png" style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" /></a>

The user clicks on either of the document icons. What I am trying to achieve is for the "Google Doc" icon to show only when the [@field:Employee_Document_Link] is not empty the and "Uploaded Doc" icon to only show when the [@field:Employee_Document_Upload] is not empty. Would very much appreciate any help in this.

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Hello @Accountability,


Assuming that you have a Report DataPage, just paste the snippet provided on an HTML Block with HTML Editor disabled in the Advanced Tab. (Important).

If it is a Details DataPage just remove all occurences of -[@cbRecordIndex#], else, just paste as is. (Be sure to keep a backup before saving).

<div id="googledoc-[@cbRecordIndex#]">
  Google Doc <br />
  <a href="[@field:Employee_Document_Link]" target="_blank">
    <img alt="File Quick View" src="http://account-ability.net/webapps/hca/images/Entypo_e731(1)_32.png" style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" />

<br />
<br />

<div id="uploadeddoc-[@cbRecordIndex#]">
Uploaded Doc <br />
<a href="https://c0axa147.caspio.com/dp/76292000e18ad3e841834930b209?Employee_Document_ID=[@field:Employee_Document_ID]" target="_blank">
  <img alt="File Quick View" src="http://account-ability.net/webapps/hca/images/Entypo_e731(1)_32.png" style="width: 32px; height: 32px;" />
  var googledoc = document.getElementById('googledoc-[@cbRecordIndex#]');
  var uploaddeddoc = document.getElementById('uploadeddoc-[@cbRecordIndex#]');
  if (![@field:Employee_Document_Link]) googledoc.style.display = "none";
  if (![@field:Employee_Document_Upload]) uploaddeddoc.style.display = "none";


What I did was, I just modified your whole HTML block. Wrapped the two links on separate div tags, then wrote a script that hides the link if the condition field is blank/empty.

Hope this works and helps.




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