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Deprecation Warnings in All DataPages




Professional Services and Support are stumped on this issue and had asked me to create a post in the forums to see if anyone has had an alike issue.

I have an app with several tables and datapages. Every DataPage gets a Deprecation Issue. 

[Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience.

Pro. Services though it was because of my implementation of the app onto Weebly - I was calling stylesheets with http while running on https. However, after fixing those problems, the deprecation error still exists. On just the DataPage preview, it displays the warning above. On the Weebly page, it is:

[Deprecation] chrome.loadTimes() is deprecated, instead use standardized API: Paint Timing.

ANY help would be appreciated. 



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Hi @kpcollier,

I have searched for these errors on the internet and have found some information:

1. For the first Deprecation, the warning message may be due to an XMLHttpRequest request within the main thread with the async flag set to false. People say that they were able to fix it by putting async: true explicitly though it is set by default. You can follow this link for more information:  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24639335/javascript-console-log-causes-error-synchronous-xmlhttprequest-on-the-main-thr

2. For the second Deprecation, you can follow this link for more information: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/12/chrome-loadtimes-deprecated

Hope it helps.

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Hi @douvega,

I have tried getting my employer to let me actually build an HTML site but they are against it, for they want to be able to customize it themselves when I am not here. (Or something dumb like that) Believe me, I wish I could.

I did mess with the stylesheets. Previously I was loading stylesheets with http on an https site, which was throwing an error. Ill try and externally load the styles directly. 

Also, all AJAX settings are enabled. I even tried diving into the call myself and it seems to be working...

Also, @Alison, thank you for the link. Ill try async:true and see what happens. Also, I've been through that chrome.loadTimes() article like 10 times and can't get anything useful out of it. 

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Actually, they would be able to customize location of stuff only, they would need to get into Caspio and understand data processing to do major edits.

However, if they wont allow you to do so, then we must respect that.

In an extra effort, why dont you deploy the app in an HTML site just to show them the issue is gone if you use an HTML environment? Maybe that could change their minds. 

Good luck with your app.

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I'm just scratching the surface of my CompSci BA,  I am still a novice developer. However, my company acts like they are afraid of code. Its a glass company and I am the only sort of IT they have, unfortunately :lol: 

Caspio is the first no code platform I have ever worked on, so its kind of like a puzzle to me. I like the idea of at least testing the app in an HTML site and seeing how the app and the company reacts. 

I appreciate your help!

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