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Extra boxes showing in Pagination

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In the pagination, it is showing two extra boxes on the right side, cannot get rid of them. They are in the tool that allows you to navigate through the pages of the data. On the right side of that box. 

Those extra boxes are not displaying in preview mode but it isn't rendering that way on our website.

Is it possible to get rid of those extra boxes once I deployed the DataPage?

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Hi Batchini, for you to be able to get rid of the extra boxes, I suggest to add a Header and Footer in your DataPage and paste the code below in the Header. (Refer here for more info: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/datapage-components/datapage-header-and-footer/) 

tr, td
 border: none !important; 

Please note that you need to disable first the HTML Editor before pasting the code. You may refer to this article on how to do so: https://howto.caspio.com/faq/web-forms/how-to-disable-html-editor-in-datapage-headerfooter-and-html-blocks/

I hope it works.


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