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  1. I have a dropdown field in a webform named "Order Type". When the value 'full' is selected from my "Order Type" dropdown field, I need another field named "Amount Due" to be populated with the value '$25' when the form is submitted. I have the following code (which isn't working properly). I appreciate any help! function getDeps() { var deps = document.getElementById("InsertRecordOrderType").value; if (deps == “Fullâ€) { document.getElementById("InsertRecordAmountDue").value="$25"; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=getDeps();
  2. I cut and pasted your solution, but it still isn't working. So, I surfed the web some more and tried to the following code (see below) and it also isn't working. I can't believe that hiding a field is this complicated. Do you have any other suggestions? Also, should the code (once it's corrected) be placed in the header or footer portion of my datapage? Thanks again for your help. function load() { document.getElementById("CombinedField").style.display ='none'; } document.getElementById("caspioform").window.onload=load;
  3. I have a field named "CombinedField" which combines the values of two fields using Javascript. Caspio's platform forces me to show this field on my webform (I don't have the option to hide this field using their wizard). However, I need this field to be hidden (work in the background). So, I'm thinking I need to use Javascript to hide this field. I've tried two different javascript codes (see below), but neither seem to work. document.getElementById("CombinedField").style.display =†noneâ€; document.forms.caspioform.CombinedField.style.visibility='hidden'; Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm assuming this is fairly simple, but I can't get this to work. Thanks in advance!
  4. var i=[@VendorSelection]; if (i == SearchMarketplace) { document.write("GreatMyLinkWorks"); }
  5. I figured it out (partially). If the script ends with getDeps(), it redirects me to my designated URL. However, I have another issue. After "Value 2" is entered into my dropdown and my page is redirected to my URL, whenever I subsequently access my update form for this record it keeps automatically redirecting to my URL because "Value 2" is selected in my dropdown field. However, I still need to be able to edit other fields on my Update form after "Value 2" is entered into my dropdown. So, I only want the page to be redirected when I click the "Update/Submit" button on my form when "Value 2" is entered into my dropdown. Do you know how I can do this? Thanks again!
  6. Thanks for your quick response! I tried this code and the page redirect still isn't working. The form that contains my dropdown field which contains Value 2 is an update form. So I tried: var deps = document.getElementById("EditRecordVendorSelection").value; as well as var deps = document.getElementById("InsertRecordVendorSelection").value; But neither is working correctly You can access my Update form by doing the following: 1). Click the following link: http://bridge.caspio.net/dp.asp?AppKey=48fe0000h2g8h2c2g9c7f7h3e9f9 2). Enter "test 1001" into the search box and press the search button 3). My details page with the dropdown field "Vendor Selection" will appear. (Note: This field is the only required field on my update form.) When "My Favorites" is selected it should redirect users to my URL, but it displays the "Data Submitted Successfully" page from the Destinations and Triggers section of the datapage wizard. Do you have any additional suggestions?
  7. I have an "update" webform with a dropdown field. The dropdown field (VendorSelection) contains two selections/values (Value 1 and Value 2). If a user selects Value 1 from my dropdown list, they will be redirected to the page in the Destination and Triggers section of the datapage wizard. If a user selects Value 2 from my dropdown list, I need them to be redirected to a different datapage and to pass parameters into the webform associated with this datapage. I tried using the following javascript: function getDeps() { if (document.getElementById(\"EditRecordVendorSelection\").value == "Value 2") { window.location=\"http://www.myurl.com\";} } document.getElementById(\"caspioform\").onsubmit=getDeps; Unfortunately, the redirect is not happening when Value 2 is selected in my dropdown field. Can someone please, please tell me what I am doing wrong. I'm a javascript newbie. Thanks in advance!
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