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  1. Helo, I would like to know if it's possible to send an automatic email with a specific calcul in a specific date. I explain the project : A landlord (in belgium) want to increase his rent. The landlord fill in a form : 1. Street of the flat 2. Rent 3. Beginning of the contract (for example : 2009/01/01) 4. Name of the tenant ...... 5. Specific formula (for example : 1,10) The 2010/01/01, an automatic email his sent to the tenant and say that his rent is increase with a specific calcul (for example : your rent is for the moment "500$"(n°2) and now is 500$ x 1,1 = 550$ I would like to know if it's possible to do this with Caspio ? Regards and sorry for my english...
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