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  1. Hello. Thanks for your attention. No. I don`t want to use a search algorithm. I have written an algorithm for a specific search in a topic, which have used ranking algorithms. In addition, there is another algorithm in this topic. I have implemented both of these algorithms. I should prove my algorithm is better than the other. I think prec@k, MAP, MRR, and NDCG, are good metrics to use, but I have the problem mentioned in my question. I don`t know how to solve this? How to show my algorithm is better than the other in this topic? Please help me. Thanks a lot.
  2. Hello all, I want to compare two ranking algorithms. In these algorithms, client specifies some conditions in his/her search. According to the client`s requirements, these algorithm should assign a score for each items in data base and retrieve items with highest scores. I have searched the net. According to my searches, the most relevant article which explains about some metrics for comparing ranking algorithms, was this: http://www.icml2010.org/papers/504.pdf I think prec@k, MAP, MRR, and NDCG, are good metrics to use, but I have a problem: My algorithm sort results, so the first item in my result list is the best one with highest score, the second result have the second top score, and so on. I limit my search algorithm to for example find 5 best results.The results are the most top 5 items. So,precision will be 1. When I limit my search to find best result,It finds the best one. Again, precision will be 1.But the problem is that,it is unacceptable for people who see this result. What can I do? How I can I compare these algorithms and show one is better than the other? Please help me. Thanks a million.
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