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  1. Pretty straightforward, so I'm probably missing a topic with the right answer, but hopefully someone can help. I've got a table of sales reps with a column for their total number of sales and total number of cancels. I've got a data page showing each sales rep and their counts plus calculating their cancel rate (just cancels/sales). These agents are all grouped by offices, so I'd like to aggregate each office...I've got that totaling for the sales and cancels, but not sure how to calculate the cancel rate in the office. Any help would be great...thanks. Kevin
  2. This might have to be a change in my setup, but basic question is can I use a table more than once in the same view? I have two tables I'm discussing in a sales environment: Agent and PaySetup. Agent table is basic agent info with an AgentID. The PaySetup table looks like this: SaleAgentID - the Agent ID of who made the sale PaidAgentID - the Agent ID of who gets paid when this agent makes a sale (this would be the agent him/herself and any managers, different record for each) PayAmount - how much the PaidAgent gets So the Agent table would be linked to this table twice normally, but I can't seem to get that to work in Caspio. I guess I could set up a 2nd table which would just be PaidAgents and be 1 to 1 to the Agent table? Anything I'm missing? Thanks for any help.
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