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  1. Yes, its full screenshot. Thank You for looking into it, i could'nt make it work so moved on to a different approach than using trigger action.
  2. Ty BayShine, but its just not giving me the results. I have abandoned idea of using trigger action for get desired results and used a different approach.
  3. Hi, I want to create a report to calculate average work done by an individual in a month. Every individual is working on a unique caseid entered in the caspio database and i am recording caseid, individual name/email and timestamp. An individual can work on the same case id multiple days in a month, so i need to do sum total of all case-id's worked by an individual and divide it by number of days the individual worked in a month. Just cant get around to get the results using calculations here. How do i get distinct dates individual worked in totals and aggregation section in report datapage,? Appreciate your time and help!
  4. hi! thanks for ur reply.. i have attached the screenshot of my triggered action. So the logic here is to check a column if (conditions in where clause) are met and join is on 3 tables. I am adding notes in notes_log table (claim id in notes_log is not unique but claim id is unique in claim_list table where i am joining them for info). Auth table is to define the role of individual adding notes. Joining Auth and claim list with email id of individual adding notes. The trigger action is not working here, any help would be a great help!
  5. hi, need help in setting up triggered action to join data from 3 tables. Tabl1 columns : Cust Id (unique), Active Chk (yes/no) Tab2 columns: Cust Email, Cust Job Title Tab 3 Columns: Comments, Cust Email Scenario: need to update Active Chk to yes in table 1, when Cust job title = 'business" adds data in comments (tab3). I am using Inner Join in trigger actions, but not getting how to add where clause (job title = business). Any insight in setting up join would be great help!
  6. hi, I am looking to know if i can save timestamp and value of changes being made to a particular field in Datapage. Eg. There is a Field comments. Each time an update is made to this field, i want to store the previous value in it and then add another entry of new comments being made by someone along with timestamp of change/update. Is it possible ?
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