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  1. Hi there. I'm collecting information in my DB tables and that information is showed in a Tabular Datapage using external parameters, i'm trying to create a single datapage where i can add that tabular information but in a HTML format, in a html block, i want to keep the navigation capabilities of the exiting Tabular DP. Is this posible? Regards.
  2. Thank you! Now, I'm using a few tables in my reports, since WordPress style overrides Caspio's how can i add the data cell properties that i configure for my tables? Regards.
  3. Hi there! I'm using a report with calculated fields on it, the fields are hidden inside html blocks, on Caspio preview stage the report looks perfect, but when i deploy the report on wordpress the report shows the information, but below the "html block" it show more lines below. Is there a fix out there for this ? This is happening to all my detail reports using calculated files on hidden html blocks. Regards. Image example:
  4. Hi I'm having a problem trying to display the image, everything looks good except fot the image. Any thougths?
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