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  1. mgredmond's post in Passing PHP variable to DataPage URL was marked as the answer   
    I figured this out.
    I was not quite accurate when I said I was loading the code into the Joomla article. The code was actually loaded into a custom module and the module was loaded into the article. There must be some failure in the interaction between the article and the module., because when I instead loaded the code directly into the article, everything worked as desired. 
    Problem solved.
  2. mgredmond's post in Joomla Integrations - 2nd Datapage was marked as the answer   
    I actually figured this one out on my own. 
    I had the code embedded into an article in Joomla and the 1st page came up fine. But I was attempting to call the 2nd page directly from Caspio, but Joomla was treating it like I was calling another article, which it couldn't find. 
    The solution was to also embed the code for the 2nd page into an article and to change URL code for the SUBMIT button on the 1st page to the URL for the 2nd Joomla page. Of course I also had to pass the necessary parameters.
    Still have other issues, but this was a big hurdle.
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