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  1. So, I built an app that's supposed to send email notifications to four recipients when a record is modified from a details page. One is the original reporter, the second is the person assigned to the task, and the third and fourth are the managers overseeing the tasks. Quite frequently and randomly, nobody gets the email (which is different from the other issue where users with Gmail.com addresses don't get the emails). Or some get the email and some don't. Or the emails are delivered many minutes or even hours later. There are no logs I'm aware of to confirm what Caspio sent and where. Are there? It's frustrating to troubleshoot, and opening a ticket with support is often an exercise in futility. Last time, they lectured me on making sure Caspio was whitelisted on the receiving email servers. Like I can tell Gmail what to do. Does anybody else experience this? Is there a better solution?
  2. I'm generating a chart with eight vertical bars of information. Caspio's chart generation engine is making a chart where there is the equivalent of three bars' worth of empty space to the left and to the right of the actual bars, and it retains this relative amount of space at whatever browser width the chart is viewed at (making for some very narrow vertical bars and smashed together data labels at lower widths and screen sizes). Caspio support tells me this display is expected behavior (despite the fact that all of their documentation for creating charts contain sample images of charts that do not contain this ridiculous amount of right- and left-padding). I see nothing in the Charts area of the Styles menu to adjust this behavior (I'm seeing only the ability to affect the border color, background, chart title, and chart subtitle). If I inspect the chart, it is not generated in standard html, so I appear unable to simply write styles that would override the width of the container that holds the actual bars, which appears to be "<g class="highcharts-series-group>." Does anybody know if there's any way to fix this? Thanks in advance.
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