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ivan77 last won the day on August 9

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  1. Thanks a lot @CoopperBackpack It works as expected Rgds,
  2. Yes it is a pivot datapage, and alignment for both labels and values
  3. Hi @CoopperBackpack, the text alignment setting only works on 'cbResultSetHeaderCell', nothing change if I set on 'cbResultSetHeaderCellNumberDate' Now, text value also having right alginment Rgds,
  4. Hi, How can I set label right alignment for a number field and left alignment for a text field in 1 tabular report ? Rgds,
  5. Hi @rdeemer, Your collapsible submission form is nice, May I know how to implement that on submission form ? Rgds,
  6. Hi, I have a navigation bar button, it displayed fine on laptop and mobile device landscape mode. But it is not displayed well on Portrait mode of mobile device, as you can see on attachment. Any idea how to fix that ? Rgds, Here are my script : <style> .div-container{ margin-bottom: 20px; } /* Style the links to imitate buttons*/ .btn { border: none; outline: none; padding: 10px 20px; background-color:#0092d1; cursor: pointer; } /* Style the active class, and links on mouse-over */ .active{ background-color: #000000; color: white; } .btn:hover { background-color: #AEACAC; color: white; } .div-container a { color: white; text-decoration: none; font-size: 18px; } .div-container a:hover { color: white; text-decoration: none; font-size: 18px; } </style> <div class ="div-container"> <a href="https://c0hc.caspio.com/dp/e0cf8000c21d71068d56" class="btn">Create</a> <a href="https://c0hc.caspio.com/dp/e0cf8000c21d71068d56" class="btn">Monitor</a> <a href="https://c0hc.caspio.com/dp/e0cf8000c21d71068d56" class="btn">Validasi (FA)</a> <a href="https://c0hc.caspio.com/dp/e0cf8000c21d71068d56" class="btn">Status (FA)</a> <a href="https://c0hc.caspio.com/dp/e0cf8000c21d71068d56" class="btn">Rekap (FA)</a> <a href="https://c0hc.caspio.com/dp/e0cf8000c21d71068d56" class="btn">Logout</a> </div> <script> if (document.DataPageReadyHandler == undefined) { const DataPageReadyHandler = (e) => { if (e.detail.appKey != '[@cbAppKey]') { return } const btns = document.querySelectorAll(".btn"); btns.forEach( btn => { btn.addEventListener('click', function(e) { let activeElement = document.querySelector(".active"); if(activeElement) { activeElement.classList.remove("active"); } e.target.classList.add("active"); }); }); } document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', DataPageReadyHandler) document.DataPageReadyHandler = 'Enabled' } </script>
  7. Hi, I have a tabular datapage with some groub by field, set collapse by default. If I download to PDF, it automaticaly expandeded on PDF. How can I set up, so in PDF it will be collapse by default Rgds,
  8. I found this solution, and it works for my needs. Put this on header section <style> .cbResultSetTotalsRow {visibility:collapse !important;} .cbResultSetGroup1Row {visibility:collapse !important;} </style>
  9. Hi @CoopperBackpack, I've follow your CSS but not works. I need to hide Group1 subtotal in green box and also want to hide Total all group (as attached) Rgds,
  10. Hi, How can I change the calculated field Color and Fontsize on Tabular/Detail datapage ? Rgds,
  11. ivan77

    PDF Setting

    Yes, it works. Thanks @CoopperBackpack
  12. ivan77

    PDF Setting

    Hi, I use PDF setting to put a logo on header Right side (see attachment). But if I download the PDF, the logo keep displayed on the left side Any solution ? Rgds,
  13. Yes it Works, Thanks a lot @CoopperBackpack
  14. Hi, How can I insert Group name on Subtotal aggregation Label ? Please see image below I want : Subtotal BENSIN , Subtotal PARKIR GRAHA for the aggregation label Rgds,
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