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  1. Hi my friend @AtayBalunbalunan . I managed using an HTML Block field, but I don't know how to insert other fields to the right of the image, see in the image that because it is a Display Only field, it is poorly formatted and I can't format it by the Wizard, you can use the HTML language to that? I don't know how to use it, any step by step for that? The HTML block that shows the image looks like this: <a href="https://media.fstatic.com/985O-HetMlkkLYtorqxCjZNn-vw=/fit-in/290x478/smart/media/movies/covers/2011/06/43a829882597a4026fb0620de9d7c78e.jpg" target=""> < img alt = "" class = "" src = "[@ field: UrlCapinha!]" style = "height: 360px; width: 240px; float: left;" /> </a>
  2. I managed using an HTML Block field, but I don't know how to insert other fields to the right of the image, see in the image that because it is a Display Only field, it is poorly formatted and I can't format it by the Wizard, you can use the HTML language to that? I don't know how to use it, any step by step for that? The HTML block that shows the image looks like this: <a href="https://media.fstatic.com/985O-HetMlkkLYtorqxCjZNn-vw=/fit-in/290x478/smart/media/movies/covers/2011/06/43a829882597a4026fb0620de9d7c78e.jpg" target=""> < img alt = "" class = "" src = "[@ field: UrlCapinha!]" style = "height: 360px; width: 240px; float: left;" /> </a> Thank you very much for your attention. Regards Druid®.
  3. Friend @AtayBalunbalunan, I'm a free user and I'm not entitled to certain ones like the FILE that is presented here in the post above for treating images. You commented on the use of HTML to present an image in a Data Pages Wizard Report, could you help me by posting a step by step and HTML code for an image that is in an image provider like in my case? For example this URL of an image, which is in a field in my table called URLCapinha: https://media.fstatic.com/985O-HetMlkkLYtorqxCjZNn-vw=/fit-in/290x478/smart/media/movies/covers/ 2011/06 / 43a829882597a4026fb0620de9d7c78e.jpg Thank you very much for your attention. Att. Druid®.
  4. I will see my friend, thanks for replying. If you have any doubts I'll be back here :). Regards, Druid®.
  5. DruidCtba

    Image of a URL

    How do I display an image of a URL? Something like this Att. Druid®
  6. DruidCtba


    One last question, my friend @Vitalikssssss, that could solve this problem of mine by the logic of the Caspio service but I was unable to solve it, is about parameters to be passed. For example in my case if I create a virtual field like a radio button and pass the chosen value to the real field, it should not pass the chosen value to this field, and then I could use a RULES that if the chosen field is ANOTHER with the EQUAL BLANK value, would it make this field editable for the user to enter the value of his choice different from what I gave as default options? I tried but it didn't happen, it even takes before I choose an option a random value from the radio button options, because it doesn't work, wouldn't that be the idea of passing parameters? Regards Druid®.
  7. DruidCtba


    Ah yes, now I understand the logic my friend @Vitalikssssss, but this will create another problem that is insoluble from my point of view, I already have data in my table and there are few, 9,878 rows in my table, if I use the TYPE field as a field calculated i lose all the information i already have in this column, this is not feasible for me. But now I have a question, if I have to create two more fields to use this logic that was suggested to me, I would not be creating extra fields in my table and in return this would not be very productive since it increases the size of my table in the database with unnecessary fields? Regards, Druid®. P.S. To test I created three fields: Tipo_Teste, Aux_Tipo and Aux_OutroTipo, but CASE in the calculated Tipo_Teste field works, but for me as I said it is not viable, because the real TYPE field already contains information that I cannot lose. P.S.2. How such a simple thing can become so complicated since the CASPIO service didn't think like google docs thought more sens
  8. DruidCtba


    Sorry my friend @Vitalikssssss, but I didn't really understand this logic field Caspio's formula for my case. I think you understand my problem and know Caspio in depth, so if possible you could show me step by step how I do this to solve this simple problem of having more options than those presented on radio buttons or dropdowns for a given field. my table? I imagined an AUX_TIPO field and the original TIPO field, but the TIPO field being a calculated field that would have a value other than those presented to the user, where would I allow the user to enter this value? That is what I have not understood so far. Regards, Druid®.
  9. DruidCtba


    You would have a solution for this impasse my friend Vitalikssssss: https://forums.caspio.com/topic/11318-include-entry-that-is-not-in-the-options-of-a-radio-buttons/ Regards, Druid®. P.S. I saw this answer from you in a topic here (https://forums.caspio.com/topic/10968-populate-field-2-based-on-value-of-field-1/) but I can't see it in Form Element the Calculate Value option, this is why I am a Free user? I thought about using a virtual1 field, like a radio button, if the option chosen is OTHER, I make a virtual2 field visible and allow the user to enter a value, I just don't know how to create an IF or CASE logic in the calculated field of the field. table that will receive an option from virtual1 if not OTHER or the value entered in the virtual2 field if the user chose OTHER, this would be a possible solution to my problem, as being a Free user I do not have access to Caspio's TRIGGER.
  10. DruidCtba


    Thank you very much vitalikssssss for your time spent answering my questions, now things are starting to get better, as I really liked this service from Caspio. Regards, Druid®.
  11. OK friend, I'm a FREE user, I can't use Trigger, but I don't understand how something so basic has to be implemented in such a grotesque way in Caspio, see that Google Docs includes this type of option. Caspio could solve this by changing the rules of the Virtual Field, or using an IF option in the radio button options, or dropdown. I consider Caspio to be a very robust platform, as well as Zoho, but not considering this type of widely used option depends on the Caspio service, which aims to be a service for end users and not IT personnel. I appreciate your response and your attention to my question. Att. Druid®. PS I opened a ticket for Caspio's support, after some unviable solutions he suggested that I expose this as an improvement, well I don't work for Caspio, because I think I should do this when they should be trying to improve their product / service in competition?
  12. Guys is there a way for me to have a radio button or another option so that the user can type an option different from the one that I will present in the data entry form, something similar to the google docs form? I got in touch with the online support people, but so far I haven't been able to solve my problem, I've used virtual field, parameters, and it didn't work, as I'm a newbie in Caspio, I don't know how to solve my problem, below are two examples of same problem that the google docs form solves for me, because I can only point out the options used, but not all possible. Att. Druid®.
  13. DruidCtba


    Would no one know how to answer these questions?
  14. DruidCtba


    I am a new user on the Caspio service and would like to take some questions about the page layout of the datapages. 1. Why can't I determine the size of the column to be displayed in a field, for example: film that is a 255 character text field? After much searching the only solution I found was to create a title (General Options / Label) with the size of the field (Name of the film in Brazil (Name of the original film - Name of the film in English if any)), but this is not correct, is there any option for that, I hope so because this is basic in layout? 2. In a form presentation I did not find an option for the consecutive lines to appear in different colors in "Select Styles", is this possible? 3. I use WordPress to have a dynamic page with a more beautiful layout, but when I import the datapages into it I have no way to change the layout of them, and the layouts here seem somewhat plastered and ugly, is there any way to edit the layouts of the datapages here on the Caspio portal or even on WordPress, do I use the Elementor plugin, the most used plugin on WordPress until the present date 03/09/2020? For example: I would like to change the layout of the survey, for example: I have three fields in my example, being film, year and uploader, and I would like to put them in the same line, and that the responsive aligns this on devices such as tablet and androids and iOS phones. I appreciate all possible help for me to improve the presentation of my datapages because I really liked their database service and that was what was missing in WordPress to make it a product without a competitor in the market. Att. José Roberto Chaurais.
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