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  1. Hello, Is it possible to specifically reference special characters from a Caspio task/triggered action? I see basic text functions here: https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/triggered-actions/ But how do you specifically insert something like a line return ('Char(10)' ) using the text functions? Alternatively how would you find and remove a line return? https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/tech-parameters/using-special-characters-in-query-string/ It looks like it can be done with a calculated field, but that seems like a convoluted solution. Thanks
  2. Looking for an experienced Caspio consultant/programmer to support our Caspio project. We need someone with experience using caspio apis to exchange data with other systems - Shopify/AWS. Minimum 1 month (20/week) , likely assignment could be extended to 3-6 months
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