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  1. I'm trying to create a sum if calculation in a table based on another table
  2. So I want to create a trigger action between to different tables I have the parent table the holds 3 fields one of the fields can have multiple values and what I want is that the parent table will create new records in the child table with the following logic each of the values in the field that can hold multiple values ( names) would be transferred to the child table and get a new record per value with the 2 constant values in the constant field For example: I have a invoice table the have a few fields (supplier name, invoice number, container info) and I have a container table that has all these value plus 10 other fields per container I want that each container in the PI field "container info" will get a new record in the container table together with the supplier name and invoice number
  3. Hi Guys, I'm trying to create something familiar to a lookup table but that hold another empty column for quantity. for example I have 10 product in a product list table I have a shipping container table when I'm creating a new container I want to have a field for "units" and when clicking on the field I get a lookup table to retrieve the unit list and empty column to insert quantity per product. the units should be countable and the transfer all the units I have in all container into another table that sums all quantity of all units per product
  4. Hi Guys, I'm looking for a Caspio developer as the current features are not enough for me and would need further coding. I also need so API integration so Best if I can find someone that can do everything for me preferably Eastern European thanks a lot guys!
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