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  1. @Queso -- Yes. I can see how a task might enable me to create a report. I am struggling with the logic to actually implement. I want to go to my pickup logs, group them by adopter, and then select the most recent report (by date) for each adopter. I could then write the adopters and dates of last pickup to a report and email it. Do you have any idea how to create that logic?
  2. These are helpful, but I need a report that shows the last record for all users (not limited to a single user). Here is the use case, applied to another table. This table contains all of the road pick-up activities each of our Road Adopters has entered into the database. We have a rule that says each road adopter must report on activities quarterly. I want to run a report that shows me the last time each adopter reported so that I can send emails to those who have not reported and remind them to report. I can do a lot of Excel work to make this happen, but I figure there must be a way to run a report each month that shows the name of each road adopter and when they last reported.
  3. I have a table that records all donations made by members of my organization. Each member can have multiple donations over time. The table records every donation made by all members. I need to be able to report on the most recent donation made by each individual member. I have tried grouping and then only displaying one (most recent) record, but that just shows me one recent record - not the most recent record by customer. I am sure there is an easy answer but I am not finding it... anywhere. I would so appreciate anyone's help who might have the secret to doing this.
  4. This does not work as often the amount donated does not match the amount given. It may help to connect the two, but it is not an exact science. That is why I would like a pop-up or something with the table that would just inform the user, but not automatically associate the amount given with a type.
  5. I hope this makes sense to y'all. I am creating a form that allocates a donation to a purpose. I have a donation log table that allows me to enter donations. I have an associated table that lists the types of purposes (Membership, Partner, In-Kind, etc.) with a separate field for the amount required (if there is actually a required amount). I want the form to allow the user to see donation types available and the required amounts for each when they choose the purpose. For example, the person donated $50.00. I should be able to see each type of membership and required donation amounts for each when I allocate the donation for a purpose. I can see how to create the dropdown with lookup for the types of donations -- but how do I display the minimum donation required required as well as the type? (Note that there are many times when the amount donated is more than the required amount, so I cannot match the required amount in a cascading dropdown.) In Donation Log Table: DonationPurposeID In Donation Type Table: -- DonationTypeID (PK to DonationPurposeID) --DonationTypes (Names of types of donations - Membership, Patron, etc.)) --DonationMinimum I separated the tables because we need to be able to change amounts required over time. But it is nice to be able to see the amount required when I allocate a donation type. Any help in hopw to do this would be greatly appreciated.
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