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  1. Yep, I used the Append option to do this. The table i wanted updating has worked fine, its just the additional duplicate tables being created. For this project i am using a trial account and have duplicated the online strore for the structure but didn't copy the data.
  2. Hi, That worked but for some reason it created 3 duplicate tables which are populated with the data from the Trial store. I have attached a picture and the duplicated tables have a blue arrow on them.
  3. I am currently using the test online store app but have come across an issue when trying to import the products file into the ECM_Item table. In my import file I am leaving both the ID and Rand_ID columns blank as these are autonumber and RandomID respectively. However, the step before import shows both these columns as Text (255) and when I import I get an error message stating that the Field_ID is blank. It then created a new category table but with list form your demo store. Any ideas? Many thanks
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