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Caspio Ninja
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  1. Volomeister's post in I need a tabular report DataPage that shows all records from table A that DON'T have a corresponding record in TableB with a date after today. was marked as the answer   
    Hi @BrianI

    Here is what you can do:

    1. Add a checkbox field to your Table A. This checkbox will indicate whether there are related records in Table B
    2. Add triggered actions on Table B's insert, update, and delete events. These triggered actions will check or uncheck a checkbox on a related Table A record based on your specified condition.
    3. Add an application task that will run once a day to loop through all records in Table A and check if they have related records in Table B with a date after today. 
    4. Build a view based on Table A to filter out records based on the checkbox.
    5. Build report DataPage based on this view
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