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  1. Hello! Any way to add another link (inside red box) that says Download Additional Data where it links to another set of values? Happy to create a new data page with those details but not sure how to add an additional "Download Data" hyperlink.
  2. Hello! Is there a way that the photos can be reuploaded? Seems like the links are broken. Thank you!
  3. Any thoughts on how I can have the below workflow work? 1. Submission Form: Employee information -- This will include a field titled change reason. Depending on the change reason, there will be two tables that are linking to two separate data pages. 2. Change reason is selected> it should know to link to the appropriate data page to continue populating the information. Caspio expert mentioned the below however those steps did not work. Thoughts on how I can link the two together within the Submission page and flow over to the Update Record data page? To redirect the user to the correct form based on the reason they selected, we need to have a condition using a formula. Here are the step you can follow: 1: On your first DataPage, add Virtual Field and change the form element to Calculated Value. 2: Paste this formula in the Virtual field: CASE WHEN [@field:CHANGEREASON] = ‘Department Change’ THEN ‘DEPARTMENT_CHANGE_URL’ WHEN [@field:CHANGEREASON] = ‘Change Position’ THEN ‘CHANGE_POSITION_URL’ END Please change CHANGEREASON to your correct field name and CHANGE_POSITION_URL to the correct URL of the DataPage. 3: To Hide this Calculated field, go to Advanced tab and enable Hide field option. 4: On the Destination and Messages, select Go to a new page and use the Virtual field as value of the Page URL
  4. Hello everyone! Would you be able to assist me with getting the below task to work? I reviewed the knowledge pages and updated the "Difference in days" per another post but still isn't working. May be something super simple that I am not getting. Thank you!
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