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Caspio Ninja
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  1. Hello, I want to get the age of added record in day, hour and minutes: If Record is created today then display in hrs & Min ( 1hrs 15min ago) If Record is created 1 day ago then need to display (1 day ago)
  2. Hi, Is there a way to hide the detail records? So it only displays the aggregation of a certain field.
  3. Hello, Why this reset link thing never has worked for me and password reset page says it is expired?
  4. Hello, Is it possible to add additional add button on my Inline Insert on the first column of my report page? I have a lot of columns on my report page so the add button is not visible on my initial load I need to move to the right to click the add button so if its possible I want to add additional add button on my first column.
  5. Hello, I am backing up my tables every day but I cannot download it on my PC every single day. Does anyone know how long import/export alerts stay in the notifications so I can download it even just once a week?
  6. Hello, Does anybody knows why is it my Inline Insert was disabled?
  7. Thank you, April. May I also ask if that is also applicable in Inline Edit?
  8. Hello, On my Submission Form DataPage I manage to prevent the user to input a special characters but I also want to prevent my user to input special characters when they are on my Report DataPage and they are using Inline Insert. Is there a way to achieve this?
  9. Hello, I'm getting this error on my Triggered Action when I only choose on delete function. If I choose update and delete there is no error. Does anyone familiar with this error?
  10. Hello, I am having a problem verifying my domain using Network Solutions I have coordinated this with my Network Solutions team and they give me this below set up on my CNAME: dkim1.caspio.com.company.com -> cas-k1._domainkey dkim2.caspio.com.company.com -> cas-k2._domainkey I have tried this set up but I had no luck to make it work. Does anyone familiar with Network Solutions domain provider?
  11. Hello, I have a Report DataPage where in I need to get the total payment line by line. Please see below data for the sample output: Is this possible to achieve?
  12. Hello, I am trying to verify my domain and I'm using Google DNS. I have tried verifying it multiple times but the status is still pending verification even though I have waited for weeks. I have followed all the steps in this link: https://howto.caspio.com/notifications/email-notifications/verifying-email-and-domain/ but I had no luck. I am using this sample format on my Google DNS setup: Host Name->Type->Value cas-k1._domainkey.company.com->CNAME->dkim1.caspio.com cas-k2._domainkey.company.com->CNAME->dkim2.caspio.com caspio111.company.com->TXT->dataValue Anyone has an inputs or suggestions?
  13. Hello, Is there a way to change the column width of my Gallery report? I have a multiple grids but there are columns that narrow down the text but I want the column widths to be the same despite the content.
  14. Hello, May I ask what time my the daily limit reset?
  15. Hello, I have created a buttons into my DataPage but I can't align them in the same line. Please see below codes that I created and the screenshot of the output: <center> <a href="https://c0hbs831.caspio.com/dp/24f5a0009f29342371034eae9ecb" ><input type="submit" style="font-family:Arial;margin-bottom:3%;display:none;font-family:Arial;" class="cbSubmitButton cbApprove" id="Approve" value="Approve"/></a> <a href="https://c0hbs831.caspio.com/dp/24f5a0009f29342371034eae9ecb" ><input type="submit" style="font-family:Arial;margin-bottom:3%;display:none;font-family:Arial;" class="cbSubmitButton cbApprove" id="Save" value="Save"/></a> <a href="https://c0hbs831.caspio.com/dp/24f5a0009f29342371034eae9ecb" ><input type="button" style="font-family:Arial;margin-bottom:3%;font-family:Arial;" class="cbSubmitButton cbApprove" id="Approve" value="Back"/></a> </center> <script> if("[@field:Status]"=="Approved"){ document.getElementById('Save').style.display="block"; } else if("[@field:Status]"=="Draft"){ document.getElementById('Approve').style.display="block"; } else if("[@field:Status]"==""){ document.getElementById('Save').style.display="block"; } document.getElementById('Save').onclick = function(){ document.getElementById('EditRecordStatus').value = "Draft"; }; document.getElementById('Approve').onclick = function(){ document.getElementById('EditRecordStatus').value = "Approved"; }; </script> Is it possible to align the two buttons in the same line?
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