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Caspio Ninja
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  1. if i dont have access to triggered actions , how to do it
  2. not in this way i have to field in a table where the fields contain data i want to merge data from both of the fields in one of those fields and delete the other
  3. i tried it but it didnt work <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function (event) { document.getElementById("EditRecorddata_entry").checked = true; }); </script>
  4. for some reason the labels doesnt change to the right after changing the settings
  5. i have a checkbox , where in one entry data page it automatically loads yes on another its removed so that it loads no now, i have another report data page , i want that on the details page when update button is pressed , the checkbox is automatically changed from no to yes i have attached a screenshot of the checkbox and its current settings
  6. hello i have several data pages all of them are written in arabic and arabic is written from right to left how can i make the datapages from right to left i have attached a screenshot from one of my data pages where the page is currently from left to right
  7. i have a report data page , in details page , i have the destination after record update is to go to next record the problem is when i press update and go to next record it shows the page with no rules loaded most buttons doesnt work and the field un-editable
  8. DRAhmed

    uncheck if

    thank you very much it worked
  9. DRAhmed

    uncheck if

    take a look maybe you can notice something im doing wrong
  10. DRAhmed

    uncheck if

    i have put this code in the footer but it doesnt seems to work after checking the box , the other box doesnt get unchecked <script type = "text/javascript" > if (typeof mainF == 'undefined') { const mainF = function(event) { var checkbox1 = document.getElementById('InsertRecordhandover') var checkbox2 = document.getElementById('InsertRecordapproved') var textfield1= document.getElementById('InsertRecordprocess_notes') if (checkbox1.checked == true) { checkbox2.checked = false; textfield1.value= " "; } else if (checkbox1.checked == false) { checkbox2.checked = true; } if (checkbox2.checked == false) { checkbox1.checked = true; } else if (checkbox2.checked == true) { checkbox1.checked = false; } checkbox1.addEventListener('change', function() { if (checkbox1.checked == true) { checkbox2.checked = false; textfield1.value= " "; } else if (checkbox1.checked == false) { checkbox2.checked = true; } }); checkbox2.addEventListener('change', function() { if (checkbox2.checked == false) { checkbox1.checked = true; } else if (checkbox2.checked == true) { checkbox1.checked = false; } }) document.removeEventListener('DataPageReady', mainF) } document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', mainF) } </script>
  11. DRAhmed

    uncheck if

    i want too add also if chechbox 1 is checked then uncheck checkbox 2 and make field x blank ( delete whatever is inside )
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