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  1. Anyone one have any help on this one? @cheonsasolution was 99% there, until I got some additional feedback see example below: EX: Today's Date= 11/02/2022 DOB: 10/22/2020 Returned value should be = 2.0 (2 years + less than 1 month - Correct) The formula above returns: 2.1 (2 years + 1 month - Incorrect) ScheduledDate (always in the future): 11/21/2022 Returned Value = 0.-1 Should be returning: 2.1 (2 years + 1 month - won't change to 2.2 until 12/23/2022) IF: ScheduledDate (always in the future): 12/23/2022 Returned Value = 0.-1 Should be returning: 2.2 This the formula I use in Excel, but I can't translate it for use in Caspio: =IF(ISBLANK(ScheduledDate),"",DATEDIF(DOB,ScheduledDate,"Y")&"."&DATEDIF(DOB,ScheduledDate,"YM")) So based on the above both formulae need to be updated: DOB = 10/22/2022 Age (in years and months: 2.0 Age at time of services (in years and months 2.0 for 10/22/2022 - 11/22/2022 2.1 for 11/23/2022 - 12/22/2022 2.2 for 12/23/2022 - ...
  2. @cheonsaThat's perfect for Age (in years and months - EX: 3.4)! I also love the simplicity of the code! Thank you! Interestingly, when updating formula to use "ScheduledDate" (always a future date (E.g.; 11/24/2022)), this is the returned value: Age at time of services: 0.-1 ScheduledDate is 1 - 60 days in the future of Case entry. SELECT CAST((DATEDIFF(m, [@field:ScheduledDate], GETDATE())/12) as varchar) + '.' + CAST((DATEDIFF(m, [@field:ScheduledDate], GETDATE())%12) as varchar) as EvalAge Additionally, while I enjoy the building aspect of this, I don't have the skill or time once I get beyond this basic set up. Is there a resource of providers (not consulting companies) I can view? I'd like to develop a long -term relationship with someone who understands our business as we grow. Thanks again!
  3. Hi @cheonsa! Thanks for the response. Your code worked well with 1 minor hiccup. When the date displays for months 1-10 E.G. DOB=10/28/2020 Age = 2.0 DOB=11/28/2020 Age = 2.-1 - Is there a way to get it show as 2.11 Also when the DOB field is blank, the number "122.9" is displayed instead of blank.
  4. Thank you, @KlisaN137. When I entered these values (substituting the field names), I get a blank in the Age calculated field value: CAST(DATEDIFF(year, [@field:DOB], SysUTCDateTime()) as varchar) + '.' + CAST(Abs(Month([@field:ScheduledDate]) - Month([@field:DOB])) as varchar) I have a feeling I'm not using the correct "Start_Date" field substitution. Thoughts?
  5. I have a table that includes person's: date of birth (DOB) scheduled date for services (ScheduledDate) On several datapages/forms/reports I need to display: Age (in years and months - EX: 3.4) Age at time of services (in years and months - EX: 3.4) I have used "Calculated Value" and "Datediff(year, [@field:DOB], SysUTCDateTime())" , but haven't been able to figure out how to update it to show the month (X.4) For the scheduled date age: Similar issue, but now I have to calculate the age as above but include the extended scheduled age. This date is usually not more that 2-3 months difference. Would it be?: Datediff (year, [@field:DOB], [@field:ScheduledDate]) (I doubt it because formula isn't displaying anything in the form) Thank you for any direction or push in the right direction.
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