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  1. I have a details page. And sure, they can change password there, but they have to be logged in to do so. My concern is when they forget their password and are unable to login. I agree, a Password Recovery Datapage would be ideal. I got one created, but unable to deploy as I've reached my limit for deployed pages.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions Meekee, but no luck. My issue sounds identical to Mylene's. The current package of Yola I'm using doesn't let me add script, just the iframe. And no settings within the iframe seem to impact it's height. Frustrating, cause on phone my data pages look like crap, all squat up and having to scroll basically line by line.
  3. Why does my Caspio data pages only fill like a quarter of my phone screen and force me to scroll within the iframe? There is so much empty space below it. It should just scroll down the phone screen, not an iframe within top quarter of the screen. I've tried increasing height to 100%, but no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks, Geoff
  4. Worse case scenario, it looks like I can change password directly in table. So if nothing else, I can have them email me from their account email requesting a temp password. Not preferred, but at least account will be salvageable.
  5. Hi all. I am using the free account which limits me to 5 deployed data pages. I maxed out and therefore I am unable to deploy my password recovery data page. I was wondering if there was an option to include a password reset via link(or email) on the member authentication, aka login screen? If not, would there be a way for to manually reset a forgotten password so that I could email them a temporary one and they could change it via the update profile data page? I am worried that a forgotten password would equate to a lost account without a password reset option. Thanks, Geoff
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