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    Takodachi got a reaction from beachsideresorthotel in No Scroll on iFrame   
    Hello everyone, just wanna share something I noticed about setting static height on iFrame deployment codes. If your Datapage still has that scrollbar then it still requires more height but there are some instances that we don't want to extend the iFrame size since it will also affect the page where we are deploying it at, then you can use the attribute:
    scrolling = "no" It should look something like this when applied to the iFrame deployment code.
    <iframe name="No Scroll iFrame DP" title="No Scroll iFrame DP" src="DataPage_URL" style="width: 50%; height: 1500px;" scrolling="no">Sorry, but your browser does not support frames.</iframe> I hope this helps for those that will encounter this!
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    Takodachi got a reaction from researched in How to remove added time when importing data   
    You're a lifesaver, this is what I was exactly looking for!
    Thank you @Kronos
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    Takodachi got a reaction from researched in How to remove added time when importing data   
    Hi, I don't know if I'm the only one who encountered this or if anybody has any solution to this.
    I have my data in an Excel file and when I try to import it, the dates in one of my fields has inconsistent values with added time. Something like this 01/01/ 2023 12:00:00.
    I want to know if there is a way to remove the time at the end. It doesn't make sense when I only have the date inside my data and no time.
    If anyone is wondering, the datatype inside my table is Text(255).
    Any help would be appreciated.
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    Takodachi got a reaction from Kronos in How to remove added time when importing data   
    You're a lifesaver, this is what I was exactly looking for!
    Thank you @Kronos
  5. Thanks
    Takodachi reacted to Kronos in Default Image in HTML Block   
    Hi Tako, I think I have encountered the similar issue before. Here is what I did:
    I'm assuming you already have an app parameter in your app that will be used as the default image for your report page. If not, you may follow this thread:
    https://forums.caspio.com/topic/11272-adding-a-logo-image-on-datapages/#:~:text=There's actually,app parameter here*]">
    Now answering the question, here is an HTML code that I used to display an image and set a default image if the image field is blank:
    <img src="[FILE FIELDNAME]" onerror="this.src='[DEFAULT FILE FIELDNAME]'" />
    I hope this helps!
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