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  1. Thanks, @SushiPizza, it's a very valid approach. When turning off responsive the submit button for inline insert in a tabular datapage report does seem to hog its own column (even though there is nothing above it for each data row as I am not using in-line row level edit). I think I will live with this for the moment. Appreciate your help.
  2. Hello I am trying to disable the responsive Caspio behaviour for inline editing for mobiles on a tabular report. On my tabular report I have only one inline insert field to capture. Below a width of 580px the input box is not available, when larger it returns. In table or desktop mode the user can enter the text whilst being able to see all the other records on the screen and it feels more intuitive. In mobile view it replaces this with a single button. Then this navigates to a form for entry. The Caspio website states this as: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/responsive-datapages/responsive-behavior-on-tablet-and-mobile/ Specifically from the above link I want to stop the following happening: For mobile screens: Search and Inline Insert options are displayed as buttons (do not want!) I want it to behave like tablet mode when sized for mobile for the inline insert. As above I only have one inline insert entry field. If this has to be applied to all data pages for my app, then no massive issue there. Any help/ guidance is welcome. Happy to write any overriding CSS or JS to achieve this result.
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