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  1. Good day, I am very new to web design and C#. I want to create a parameter with some code to create a table. I assume it will be with C#. I need the code in a parameter as the database will use execute the code where and when needed to create the table. I know how to create the parameter, but I am stuck with the C# code. Could anybody assist with the code or direct me where I can see some examples? I would prefer using SQL to create the table, For example|: SQL = "Create Table Tbl_TempTable (ID INT, Name (CHAR(50), email CHAR(50)) OR SQL = "Create Table IF NOT EXISTS Tbl_TempTable (ID INT, Name (CHAR(50), email CHAR(50)) Thanks Deon
  2. Good day all, I am very new at Caspio and Web design / Development. I created a container, added some tables, created DataPages as well as a report. All is running fine. My issue is that I need to add some buttons on the DataPages. Only the Submit button appears. How can I add an additional button on a form? I then need to add some code when the user clicks on the button to create for example a random number and store that number in the table. Much appreciated
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