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  1. Yes, this is on a submission form. The lookup table for the dropdown is the main table that I would like the new value to be added in.
  2. Hello, I am attempting to create an option on a submission form that will allow me to add a value to a dropdown list of values if that particular value is not currently in the dropdown. I know that you can do this via: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/automatically-add-options-to-dropdowns-and-listboxes/ But it resets all the values and the flow is not ideal. I have 3 dropdowns that each have "add new" virtual field checkbox. So if the value is not in the dropbox, I would click the corresponding "Add New" and then type out the new value. (see the id's for each via picture) Here is my current code: - Placed in footer (though I tried in HTML block placed last on the form, as well) <script type="text/javascript"> function d_text() { document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").disabled = true; document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").disabled = true; document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual5").disabled = true; } function f_boxcheck() { if(document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual2").checked){ document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").disabled = false; }else {document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").disabled = true;} } function s_boxcheck() { if(document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual4").checked){ document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").disabled = false; }else {document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").disabled = true;} } function r_boxcheck() { if(document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual6").checked){ document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual5").disabled = false; }else {document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual5").disabled = true;} } function transfer() { if(document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual2").checked) { document.getElementById("InsertRecordCategory_ID").value = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value; } if(document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual4").checked) { document.getElementById("InsertRecordSub_Cat_ID").value = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").value; } if(document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual6").checked) { document.getElementById("InsertRecordDiv_Cat_ID").value = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual5").value; } } window.onload = d_text; document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual2").onclick = f_boxcheck; document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual4").onclick = s_boxcheck; document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual6").onclick = r_boxcheck; document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit = transfer; </script> I can't seem to get this to work. Can anyone assist me? Thank you in advance for the help.
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