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  1. As a short term fix, have you 'minified' your javascript? You can use the JsMin tool at http://fmarcia.info/jsmin/test.html to compress your raw javascript code by 50-80% to get it under the 10k character limit. I hope this helps. Mitch Hollberg http://morrisonanalytics.com
  2. I've added an acknowledgment email to one of my web forms, but the resulting e-mail is not 'translating' the Caspio field codes (ie, "). So instead of having the values of field names appear in the resulting e-mail, the customer literally sees the following: Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Thanks, Mitch Hollberg morrisonanalytics.com
  3. It's hard to know for sure what is causing the problem without seeing all of your code and field names, but here is one other guess as to what could be causing the problem... Is your timestamp field named "date" (lowercase) or "Date" (uppercase)? If the timestamp field name, as defined in your table, is "date", then your code would need to end with the string: document.forms[0].Updatedate.value=v_TimeStamp.toDateString(); rather than document.forms[0].UpdateDate.value=v_TimeStamp.toDateString(); Here's hoping that the second time's the charm... Mitch Hollberg
  4. You should be able to use the "toDateString" method to convert the full (MM/DD/YY/HH/MM/SS) date into a string containing just the "date" (and not time) elements. To do this, you would modify the code you posted with the following change (called out in bold): One caution/concern: The above function will convert the "v_TimeStamp" variable to a string formatted like "Mon Oct 13 2008", but Caspio may not accept that string as a valid "Date" value in it's table, so you may get something like an "invalid data type" error when you submit. I hope this helps. Mitch Hollberg Morrison Analytics
  5. Bahar - Thanks to you and the Caspio team for addressing this so quickly. Mitch
  6. The online \"Caspio Bridge Help Documentation\" appears to be incorrect in its description of how the reference an \"Autonumber\" field as a parameter - at least in cases where the \"Autonumber\" is generated in a WebForm datapage. The online help states that Thus, if your field name was \"foo\", then the receiving parameter would be [@Insertfoo]. However, it appears that the receiving parameter ACTUALLY should be named [@InsertRecordfoo]. Would it be possible for Caspio to update the official online documentation to reflect this change? Thanks, Mitch Hollberg Morrison Analytics
  7. Hi Andrew - Caspio doesn't have \"built-in\" functions to calculate values based on entries made in a WebForm, but you can add JavaScript code to your webforms that will allow you to perform calculations. Caspio has an example of some JavaScript code that performs simple calculations in the \"Support\" section of their website (From the Caspio.com homepage, click the \"Support\" link, then \"Training and Resources\", then \"Customizations with JavaScript\", and then the \"Perform a calculation on values entered in a WebForm DataPage\". The full URL to the \"calculations\" example is http://forums.caspio.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=12180. If you don't feel comfortable modifying the Javascript yourself, I would be happy to talk with you about the specifics of the problem and let you know how long I think it would take to write the custom JavaScript for you (or you can work directly with Caspio's professional services group (http://www.caspio.com/services/services.asp). I hope this helps. Mitch Hollberg Morrison Analytics mitch@morrisonanalytics.com
  8. I have a webform datapage that posts 2 duplicate records to my database table, but only when using the Firefox web browser (I'm using firefox version 3). The problem does not seem to occur when using Internet Explorer or Safari. Has anyone else encountered this problem, or are there any suggestions as to what could be causing this behavior? Thanks, Mitch Hollberg Morrison Analytics
  9. Does anyone know if the MS office plug in and/or the Caspio Web Services work in Office 2007? It appears that MS has depricated (stopped developing) their SOAP integration in Office 2007, and I believe Caspio's services rely on SOAP. Any success stories relating to either the office plug-in and/or use of Caspio's web services using an Office 2007 component? Thanks, Mitch Hollberg Morrison Analytics
  10. In the Web form design wizard, go to the \"Web Form Wizard - Configure Fields\" page. (be sure that you have previously selected the \"date\" field in your table as one of the fields you want to include in your form). In the lefthand pane, select the date field, and then change the \"Form element\" value to \"TimeStamp\". By default, this field will no longer appear in your user form, but the timestamp will be posted to your table. Note: if you don't see the \"TimeStamp\" option in the \"Form element\" list, you may need to start over and edit your datapage with the option \"Enable Advanced Parameters\" selected on the first screen. Hope this helps. Mitch Hollberg Morrison Analytics
  11. One possible approach to this would be to add an \"AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL\" column to the \"USERS\" table, and assign each user a code based on their role. For example, Adminstrators could have a value of \"10\", Managers a value of \"7\", and end-users a value of \"1\". Then all 'secured' data pages could reside in the same authenticated folder, but would use custom authorization, where each page was only accessible to users with an AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL value >= the level of the page. If you need to specifically segment areas of the site Based on roles, another option would be to assign each user an \"AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL\" as a text string. For example, an adminstrators string might be \"AMS\" (for Adminstrator,Manager,Supervisor), while the manager would only be \"M\". Authentication for each page could then be granted to all users whose authorization field \"Contained\" a specified character. Admittedly, the above is a bit of a kludge, but that's the tradeoff for eliminating all the CGI scripts, data hosting, and form design. I hope this helps, Mitch Hollberg Morrison Analytics
  12. I'm working on an online ordering system, and I want to allow customers to order an arbitrary number of unique items in each order. Because I need to capture the SKU, quantity and price charged for each item, I need to be able to create a new row in an an \"Order_Details\" table for EACH item in the order. Is there a way to post multiple new rows to a database table from a single webform datapage? I know I could redirect them back to an identical webform datapage after each submission to have them enter the next item, but I'd really like to have them enter all items on one page at the same time. Thanks for any advice or suggestions on how to implement this. Mitch
  13. I'm digging deeper into using Caspio's Web Service API, but I'm currently referring to the \"Caspio Bridge Web Service API - Programmer's Documentation\" PDF with a cover page stating \"Document last updated on September 6, 2007\". The API says it refers to Caspio Bridge version 5.5, and I assume there were updates and changes made to the API in support of version 6.0, and I'd like to be working off the latest and greatest version. Does anyone know if this is the most recent version of the API documentation? I just re-requested access to the API beta program, but the link Caspio sent me was even older, referring to Caspio Bridge version 4.0, with a \"Document Last Updated\" date in 2006.
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