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cbaker10 last won the day on May 1 2016

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  1. So I am using SELECT DISTINCT([@field:Courses_Course]) FROM _v_Teacher_Courses WHERE Personnel_ID=target.[@field:Personnel_ID] which works, but it lists the name of the first course for all courses instead of each individual course. The second column is the calculated column and the last column is the actual course. I am so close....any ideas? Bob Sanders English Language Arts, Grade 7 2017-2018 3 English Language Arts, Grade 7 Bob Sanders English Language Arts, Grade 7 2017-2018 3 English Language Arts, Grade 7 Bob Sanders English Language Arts, Grade 7 2017-2018 3 English Language Arts, Grade 8 Christopher Baker English, Language and Composition, AP 2017-2018 2 English, Language and Composition, AP Christopher Baker English, Language and Composition, AP 2017-2018 2 English, Literature and Composition, AP
  2. I'm getting closer. Can I use a select statment on a View instead of a table? Chris
  3. I've been try to find the SQL statment you suggested. Can you supply an example? Regards, Chris
  4. Vitalik, Thanks for the response! I already have three separate tables, Teacher, Enrollment, and course tables. Still get multiple records. Chris
  5. This would be a nice feature for future releases.
  6. I have a similar issue, could you explain the solution a little more in depth? Here is my example: I have a Teacher, Enrollment, and course tables. The enrollments tie to teacher with teacher ids and courses with course ids. The teacher may have multiple enrollment for one course. I want to create a view to be used in a datapage that would list once the Teacher and Course. How would I go about this? Here is what it looks like now and want it to only have 1 record for Bob sanders, but because he has 2 enrollments in his class, it lists twice. Any Ideas? Courses_Course Personnel_Full_Name English Language Arts, Grade 7 Bob Sanders English Language Arts, Grade 7 Bob Sanders English, Language and Composition, AP Christopher Baker
  7. I have a Teacher, Enrollment, and course tables. The enrollments tie to teacher with teacher ids and courses with course ids. The teacher may have multiple enrollment for one course. I want to create a view to be used in a datapage that would list once the Teacher and Course. How would I go about this? Here is what it looks like now and want it to only have 1 record for Bob sanders, but because he has 2 enrollments in his class, it lists twice. Any Ideas? Courses_Course Personnel_Full_Name English Language Arts, Grade 7 Bob Sanders English Language Arts, Grade 7 Bob Sanders English, Language and Composition, AP Christopher Baker Thanks, Chris
  8. I have 2 tables I have created a view to combine. One table is a list of teacher names and the other list is a list of enrollments. They are tied together by a teacher ID. I want to get just the teacher name from the teacher table and just the course from the enrollments table. The problem comes in because there maybe 20 enrollments for a certian course and there fore it will list the teacher and course 20 times. Is there a way to compress the multiples to just list it once? I.E. Bob Biology Chris English Liz Math Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Chris
  9. Kristy....that worked....thanks so much for all of your help!
  10. I tried the following however I cannot get the two fields to concatenate: function concatenate() { var FirstName = document.getElementById("EditRecordTA_First_Name").value; var LastName= document.getElementById("EditRecordTA_Last_Name").value; var FullName = FirstName+LastName; document.getElementByID("EditRecordTA_Full_Name").value = FullName; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=concatenate; Any suggestions? Thanks, Chris
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