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  1. Hi there, This is very helpful and almost works on my end. There are two things per below: 1. I am able to get the script to work (meaning lowercase text turns to uppercase when typing) while Previewing in Caspio. But, it doesn't work when going to our website and testing it there. 2. How can you apply the script to a few fields in a form (not just one)? Thanks! Chris
  2. Hi there, How can I go about removing, or changing the color of a Chart's border? When defining styles, I am clicking on chart options border color, but when selecting 'none', it defaults to custom for some reason (which apparently is black). Thanks
  3. We'd like to remove the submit button from our search form. How can we do this?
  4. Hi, We're trying to create a report that shows the sum of units shipped by product within a given territory. While our calculations shows total units shipped, across all products, in a given territory, what we want is to show totals by product in a given territory, and then one lump some for respective territory. See our attachment. As you can see, each product is not summed properly so the same item is listed multiple times under each territory grouping. What we want to show is as follows: TERRITORY ItemNoA Product Name A TOTAL of Line Item/Product A (qty_to_ship) ItemNoB Product Name B TOTAL of Line Item/Product B (qty_to_ship) ItemNoC Product Name C TOTAL of Line Item/Product C (qty_to_ship) and so forth... Any insight? [attachment=0]caspioquestion_grid.JPG[/attachment]
  5. I am looking to create Vendor Portals, so each vendor can log in and download their monthly reporting specific to them. User ID's and passwords would be specific to each vendor. Upon login, the vendor would be brought to a page listing their name, account number, address info, phone, etc. There would also be a link where the vendor can download their monthly sales reporting via excel (which is created on our end using systems outside of Caspio). Two images attached. The first one shows "Label Login" which would bring them to a page to enter their user id and password (which I know how to create). The second image shows what the vendor portal would look like, and currently having trouble finding information on how to do this. I see information on restricting records to view by login id (or Id assigned to specific records), but don't think that's the information I need to make this work. Also, the vendor would not be updating or changing any of our data pages, they'd simply log in to download their sales reports, etc. Any insight? Thanks, Chris
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