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Scott17 last won the day on October 10 2018

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  1. Hi @DefinitelyNot31337 That is exactly what I needed, thank you so much!
  2. Hello @DefinitelyNot31337, I really like your solution! It is working for one of my datapages and I want to get it to work for a couple other datapages that are deployed on the same page. I am having an issue on the other datapages keeping the username in. I think my problems might involve the following: 1. The multiple data pages deployed on the same webpage may be the problem 2. The code needs to be modifed for each specific data page 3. The other data pages also have inline edit/delete which might be affecting it. I'd like to get this way to work as I like the look and feel of using the inline insert over adding in additional datapages. Do you know how I can address these problems? Thank you!
  3. Hi @DefinitelyNot31337 That seems to be working for me now. Thank you so much for the help!
  4. Hi @IMDora Thank you for that! That code works for me when I preview the app but when I actually deploy the app on my website it doesn't work. I appreciate the effort of everyone in this forum. It seems I need to take a different approach. Thank you!
  5. Hi @DefinitelyNot31337 Thank you for the suggestion! I tried that code and it didn't work. AJAX is enabled on the data page but it is actually a Details Report data page rather than a Submission data page. It is also an "Update" button rather than "Submit" button. I am sure the authfield and role are correct when I'm testing it out as well. I also changed the id from Submit to Update in the code in case that made a difference but was not able to get it to work either. Do you have any other ideas why it's still not working for me? Thank you!
  6. Hi @IamGroot I had it in the header. Just switched it over to the footer and unchecked the "Enable HTML Editor". It isn't working still. I don't think i'm doing the ID correctly because the ID changes every time I rerun the preview or refresh the page. I followed the steps you outlined above to get the ID and it looks the same as your screenshots while i'm doing it. Thanks, Scott
  7. Hi @IamGroot I followed those steps and the code seems to not be affecting the update button still. It is always showing up even when the logged in user is "broker" which the code should be preventing. I reran the preview multiple times and reviewed the embedded version multiple times and it seems the id changes every time the page is loaded. Thanks! Scott
  8. Hi @IamGroot Thank you for the response! How do I find the ID of my submit button? I tried just the name that I made for the button by that didn't work. Thank you!
  9. Hello, I am trying to hide a submit button on some data pages if the user signed in has a specific role. I have entered the below code into the header of the data page but it is not working. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this? <script>if ("[@authfield:Users_tbl_Role]" == "Broker"){<style>input[value="Edit CRE Details"] {display: none !important;}</style>;}</script> Thank you!
  10. Hi @IamGroot' I just sent you a message with the details you asked for. Thank so much!
  11. Hi @IamGroot I see how that would work, I still have a problem though and this is my fault for not providing enough information in my original post (sorry about that! I appreciate all your help!). The table that is being used in the datapage is not the user's table that stores the user's role. It is another table holding information on customers information (the hyperlink will go to different versions of the customer profile depending on if the user is a manager or not). So right now, I have two data pages that essentially do the exact same thing except the hyperlinks that are inserted in HTML blocks are different. For example: <a href=" https://website.com/manager-portal/?cid=[@field:Client_ID]&fn=[@field:Client_1_First_Name]&ln=[@field:Client_1_Last_Name]">View Profile</a> <a href=" https://website.com/regular-portal/?cid=[@field:Client_ID]&fn=[@field:Client_1_First_Name]&ln=[@field:Client_1_Last_Name]">View Profile</a> Do you think there is a way to use Caspios standard features for this situation? Or do you think there is some JS code that can still be used? Thanks again for all your help!
  12. Hi @IamGroot No worries at all, I appreciate your help!
  13. Hi @IamGroot , Thank you for the suggestion! I gave it a try while signed in as a manager and what is happening is the first line is showing "Regular Portal" with a hyperlink to "https://website.com/regular-portal". It should be "Manager Portal" linked to "https://website.com/manager-portal" since I am signed in as a manager. Also, the link is only showing up on the first line of results and nothing is showing up for the other lines. Any ideas how to resolve that? Thank you!
  14. I am wondering if there is a way to redirect users to another webpage based on the role of the logged in user. I currently have this working when a user logs in for the first time and I pasted that script below. <script> if ("[@authfield:Users_tbl_Role]" == "Manager"){ window.location="https://website.com/manager-portal"; } else{ window.location="https://website.com/regular-portal"; } </script> I want to use this same funcionality on search results page of some of my data pages. The data pages currently have an HTML block that is an a href hyperlink that redirect the user to "customer profiles" and accepts parameters to do so. However, my manager users and regular users need to be redirected to different webpages. Is it possible to have hyperlinks redirect to different webpages based on the roles of the user signed in? I have also tried to use a button instead of a hyperlink with a similar script above to execute onClick, however, I have not been able to get that right. I appreciate any suggestions! This functionality would allow me to use less data pages and thus make it simpler for me to make updates to only one data page that works for all users rather than making the same updates to several similar data pages like I currently am.
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