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  1. Hi vitalikssssss, thanks very much for your time. in the Search and Report Wizard - Configure Details Page Fields... I use Text Field as the form elements for lab_fee, c_disco unt, and credit_charge . Thanks,
  2. Hey vitalikssssss. Sorry to bother you brother. Is this correct? <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function (event) { var v1 = document.getElementById("EditRecordlab_fee").value; var v2 = document.getElementById("EditRecordc_discount").value; var v3 = document.getElementById("EditRecordcredit_charge").value; var v4 = v2 + v3 - v1; document.getElementById("EditRecordTotalFee").value = Round(v4,2); }; </script>
  3. I am a new Caspio user. I have tried to work on Search and Report Wizard - Configure Details Page Fields. I need to do some edit and calculations on several fields on the details page. I guess i must use javascript to achieve that. I have 3 fields lab_fee, c_discount, and credit_charge of Number Data type in my table. My requirement are as follows: 1. The user must be able to edit lab_fee 2. When lab_fee is edited it should effect TotalFee automatically. 3. I put the javascript in the Footer like below. Right now when I tested (preview) it, it did not do anything at all. I have been searching for similar problems on the community forums for weeks now and nearly give up. i found some similar issues and i have tried to follow those but so for not fortunate enough. I look at the Caspio Online help Center topics "Why JavaScript is not working with multiple DataPages deployed on one page?" and I suspected that I might be in this situation. I currently deploy 3 Datapages on my website, and the one i am talking about is one of those three. The other 2 Datapages are working ok. Can anyone be kind enough to help me solve this issue. . The JavaScript syntax such as document.getElementById(“caspioform”) and document.forms[X]. drive me nut for a long while. 4. I have other calculations to perform as well, but for simplicity I only brought up this one. 5. I try to avoid coding by focusing on using Wizards as many as i can. Search and Report Wizard is the one i used for this case. But it seemed that what i try to achieve has to be done by javascript only. Thank you very much guys. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function calculate1() { var v1 = document.getElementById("EditRecordlab_fee").value; var v2 = document.getElementById("EditRecordc_discount").value; var v3 = document.getElementById("EditRecordcredit_charge").value; var v4 = v2 + v3 - v1; document.getElementById("EditRecordTotalFee").value = Round(v4,2); } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit =calculate1; </SCRIPT> 
  4. Hi Aurora i am a new caspio user here. The question from Elana is relevant to me too. But where do you put the script. Is it only in Report Details page? Can i put it in the result page for inline editing? thanks :)
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