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  1. All I want is a Grid edit report that I can send to my lenders. See hand drawn depiction below. How do I create this in caspio?
  2. All I want is a Grid edit report that I can send to my lenders. See hand drawn depiction below.
  3. All I want is a Grid edit report that I can send to my lenders. See hand drawn depiction below.
  4. OK, I have now implemented a submission form as you suggested above and it works perfectly, except that I don't get the Multi-select option. What am I missing here? And now my next question is how do I create a link to that submission form in the Lender Search and Report Details Page above and have the Lender data automatically get entered in to the 3rd table ( MSA_Offerings)?
  5. Actually I am using the Search and Report since all Users (actually they are called Lenders) are pre-populated. I don't see multi-select as an option. Ok so the Search and Report is sourced with the Lenders table. In that table as you can see is field called MSA'sCovered. I have tried to make the source for this field 3rd ManytoMany table- MSA_Offerings, but I can't get the list of all of the MSA offering to appear for a mult-select. Below I have used the source of the 2nd table MSAs_1, but here I cannot get the Multi-select option either but I do get the entire list to pick from since those records already exist in the table. How do I see a list to pick from using the MSAOffering 3rd table? See below.
  6. I have 101 users that I want to select from a list of many offerings (1000) all of the offerings that apply to them. Currently I have a table of Users (101) and a Table of Offerings (1000). Do I create a 3rd table for the many to many information. If yes, how do I use this 3rd table to create a form where user selects all of the offerings that apply to them? I don't think a drop down field in the user table is the way to go, correct? The offering table has two fields (offering name and state). Let me know if you need more information.
  7. Thank you but what I want is for each Lender to select all MSA_lender_ offerings that they offer. I don't want MSA_lender_offering to be pre-populated. To select, the lender must be able to see all of the 101 MSAs_1 offerings
  8. I a Above you will see that I have created a many to many relationship. In the Lenders table I have 101 records. In MSAs_ I have almost 1000 records. How do I build a data page based on the MSA_Lender_Offering where I see 1 one of the Lender records and all of the MSAs_ records so that I can select which MSAs_ the Lender offers.
  9. I have built a registration page, After registering I want the user to be redirected to my authenticated Search and Report Datapage. How do I automatically direct the user to the 2nd Datapage?
  10. Excellent but the formula result includes the "@", how can the formula eliminate that?
  11. I would like a user to have access to records where their email (after the @) partially matches a field in the table called website. For example John@excel.com has access to records that have websites equaling www.excel.com. How can I accomplish this?
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