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  1. So, I moved this form to a different account (as I was developing it for a client). Now that I moved it, is super slow again. FAST version = https://c1abe792.caspio.com/dp/54bb7000b1133c88d50949eaba3b SLOW version = https://c6bkr902.caspio.com/dp/3EA88000b1133c88d50949eaba3b Any ideas? Does Caspio somehow "compile" these or something?
  2. I don't think this works anymore, does it? I've tried... and had no luck!
  3. Overview I'm hoping to send an email to a person selected in the form (by name). Details I have setup 2 tables (People & Form): People table has: ID, Name, Email Form table has many fields, plus PersonID. The DataPage is a Submission form that has: Dropdown that is a Lookup from Person:ID and the display field is Name. It stores the selected value in PersonID. Virtual field that is Cascading Text Field that is from Person:ID and field value is Email (non-editable). I've hidden this field with a Section and rule (Value '1' is not blank). I've setup the notification email like below. But, I never get the email. If I hard code the To: to my email address, I do get the email. QUESTION Is this the best / approved way of doing this? How can I get this email to work? Thank you for any help you can provide!
  4. I'm very verbose in CSS. I'm wanting to know if each DataPage has some sort of unique ID or Class that I can reference in my theme (and that won't change)? I know I can create unique themes per DataPage. However, my hope is to have one theme and make a few small tweaks for individual pages. For instance, I see the following at the top of my DataPage HTML: <article class="ST9D135086691E4F12AD0A85D5CFBC37E3"> <div id="cbOuterAjaxCtnr_449048b41c7e79"> <div id="cbDataAjaxCtnr_449048b41c7e79"> <form method="post" id="caspioform" ...> <div style="display: table;"> <section data-cb-name="cbTable" id="cbTable_449048b41c7e79" class="cbFormSection_449048b41c7e79"> Are any of these ID / classes "static" for the DataPages where I could reference them in CCS? Something like: .ST9D135086691E4F12AD0A85D5CFBC37E3 span.cbFormData { text-decoration: underline; } Thanks!
  5. And now it is SUPER fast. Unsure why it was so slow for several days. Will report back if it returns.
  6. We have a DataPage that loads relatively quick (2-3 seconds) with the Preview link. But, if we use the link provided in Deploy, it is extremely slow to load (30-60 seconds). We do have 125ish fields and 15 rules (which basically hide sections based on checkboxes). However, why would the speeds be so different between Preview and Live? Thanks! Here is the URL so you can see how slow it is: https://c1abe792.caspio.com/dp/54bb7000b1133c88d50949eaba3b
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