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  1. I am trying to get a user to be able to record a time, that populates with a default but is editable. I added a field in my user_table that is the default_timezone_offset in hours In the datapage submit form, I call the default timestamp in a virtual field, call the default_timezone_offset in another field, then add the two with DATEADD( hour,[@cbParamVirtual5],'[@cbParamVirtual6]') I had this into the field to record, but as a calculated value the user cannot edit it. I want to load the default of the above, but leave the field editable by the user on the form. Caspio help said this couldn't be done. I'm totally open to any workflow that can do this. Load a default timestamp dependent on user timezone, but leave it editable by user on the form. Please help! Thanks
  2. Hi my project is quickly becoming much larger than initially intended. Are there any caspio developers out there who can help me keep it tidy and improve aspects of it? Ideally in Utah but anywhere in the US would do. Thanks
  3. Hi I am new to caspio and not a fluent sql programmer but understand some of the logic. I have a Users_table, and a particular submit form, that includes a submitted_by field for the unique email address of the user. I would like to create a report that lists out the users that have not completed the form on that particular day. And a summary table of the number of users completed vs not-completed. Ideally I would be able to include other filters in the pivot. I am having a problem structuring this in the report, can anyone help out with just the first part? Thanks
  4. Hi, did you receive an answer to this already?
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