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  1. I figured out the problem, or at least got it working. I removed all of the joins I had made between the tables (only because they were probably done incorrectly) and only used the join in the trigger. Below is my new trigger. So far this seems to be working. I can type in the subject and message in the app screen and it will send the emails to everyone on the list that meets the criteria.
  2. I want to build an app that will send an email to a list of emails in another table. I have created two tables; one for the subject and message (a simple 2 field table), which includes a trigger to send the email, and one that has the list of email addresses. Below is the trigger that is attached to the email message table. The trigger includes a join so I can pull the TO addresses from the email list table. The tables are also joined in the relationships and in a view. Each time I try to use this app I get a message that says, "Values cannot be submitted due to a data restriction." I have no idea why I am getting that message, what I am not doing correctly with the trigger, or if I am going about this the wrong way entirely. Any help would be appreciated. David
  3. Found the answer to this question. I am creating a report where the search (dropdown menu) opens the results in a different web page (my search options are embedded in one web page and the results are embedded in another page). Basically, I have a web page with options on how to search (dropdown menu or an image with selectable areas). The links on the image with selectable areas (counties on a map) all have URLs with the parameter added. Those links go to the web page that has the results form and work fine. My problem is using Caspio to create a dropdown form element on this same search page, next to the image with the links. When I click the "Search" button after selecting an item from the dropdown menu, I need it to go to another web page, using a URL with the parameter, to view the results. Functionally, I can do this with a "Submission" form, and it works, but it adds a record to the table each time, which I don't want. When I try to do this with a "Report" form I always get the results on the search page (embedded) rather than a link with the parameter that goes to another web page that has the results. Thanks for any help/guidance.
  4. I've tried it on the joined tables and it works great. Super.
  5. This is working perfect. Thanks! You are awesome. I have two more questions. Will this process work on joined tables, as in the image is in one table and the checkbox is in another table. I'm going to experiment with this, just wondering if it makes sense. I'm thinking you just need to use the table/field names in place of the field names. On the topic of triggered actions. Caspio does not support assigning a file field by a triggered action. Do you know of any work-arounds? Thanks again, David
  6. CoopperBackpack, This is working and is awesome! Here is what I need to adjust. The words "Yes" and "No" show up in the results. If the checkbox is not checked then the word "No" shows up in the results. If the checkbox is checked then the image appears and the word "Yes" shows up. How do I get rid of these words? Thanks for all the help. David Davis
  7. I have a basic table with records that includes a file field (image) and a status field (checkbox). I need to do a gallery report where the image only shows when the status field is checked. Is there a way to do this? Thanks for the help. David Davis
  8. NiceDuck, Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate the help! I realize I only provided a small snippet to keep things focused so you weren't able to see the entire trigger, which is lengthy and has multiple record insert actions in it. I would have had to use lots of where conditions. Using one IF THEN statement actually kept the trigger simpler and easier to understand. David Davis
  9. Perfect! It works great. Thank you, I would never have gotten to this on my own. Also, amazing work on creating a graphic to show me how it should look, with the table names and fields. Awesome! David Davis
  10. I'm working on a trigger action (part of it pictured below) using an IF THEN logic where lots of data are inserted into various tables when a comparison is true versus not being inserted when a comparison is false. It works great when the comparison is simple, such as 1 equals 1 versus 1 equals 2. But what I want to compare is a student_id being inserted versus a student_id in a different table. The logic I need is: If the student_id being inserted in table A is not in table B then all of the insertions will occur. If the student_id being inserted in table A is already in table B then none of the insertions will occur. My problem is figuring out how to create this field comparison between student_id in what is being inserted and student_id in another table. This is what I have been trying and it doesn't work. I've also tried putting in joins but that hasn't worked either. I've tried not using TOP in each select but then I get an error message. I don't know where to go from here. Thanks for any help! David Davis
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