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Jmichael1425 last won the day on April 13 2022

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  1. I’m looking into building a web application using Caspio that allows a user to view some information inside of a details page. But in the details page, it would have contact info that would be hidden UNLESS they use one of their credits to buy access to that contact info. Then when they “buy” it using their credits, it would deduct a credit from their credit balance. i figure the user could X amount of credits (lets say $5 = 5 credits) using a Caspio form / stripe payment processor. That’s how they would refill their account. Has anyone done anything similar before? I’m looking for ideas and tips/tricks to consider when planning this.
  2. @futuristThank you! I appreciate it! Thats a Huge Help!
  3. @futurist- This worked perfectly! Thanks! In my case, I need to collect 4 different colors on the same form. How would I modify this to support that? once again Thank you! I appreciate your help!
  4. I'm creating an order form inside of Caspio and one of those fields is entering the HEX for a specific color that the person filling out the form is wanting us to use. Is it possible to have pop up like in the photo that they could select the color and fill in the HEX into the field? If not any recommendations? Most people just knows regular colors like red. But then we find them disappointed when it wasn't the "Right" red they wanted.
  5. I just found a third party tool that allows you embed a snippet of html on to your website using a button. So when you click the button it offers the end user a way to upload a csv file. Its called EasyCSV.io Its a direct integration into Caspio and its only $39 USD a month. The only downside is you will have to get their support involved and they are a little slow to respond. However, extremely friendly and wanted to help. They made screen share videos and explained the issue and how to fix the issue or showing what work they did for me. The reason you have to get them involved is because if you set it up on your end, the refresh token expires every 24 hours, meaning you have to reset it up in 24 hours. However they can set it up where it auto refreshes the token every 12 hours so you never have to worry about it expiring. Also, its cheaper than paying integromat or zapier to do this.
  6. I read and followed that documentation and it doesn't work. I've been trying to work it based off that for the last week. It goes to the proper site where the second step form is located but it returns no results. I tried using a single record update as the second step and it kinda works, it will create a second record which is weird and i have tried a details page as the second step and it doesn't work at all.
  7. I want to create a variable 2-step form. I know how to create a 2 step form, that when you click submit it takes you to the next part. Currently there's 2 data pages, 1 for Step 1 and another for step 2. However here's what I'm trying to do. In the first step of the form I have a dropdown that is called "Job Type" In that dropdown I have Multiple Options; "Repair", "Warranty", and "Quote". Instead of having just 2 data pages I need to be able to have 4. That way it functions as follows: If "Repair" is selected in Step 1 (Datapage 1) then it goes to Datapage 2 for step 2 If "Warranty" is selected in Step 1 (Datapage 1) then it goes to Datapage 3 for step 2 Lastly, If "Quote" is selected in Step 1 (Datapage 1) then it goes to Datapage 4 for step 2. This will all function off the same table, just depending on the option, that is selected the calculated formulas are different for each of those and the info collected is a little different. Any help / advice would be fantastic. Thanks
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