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  1. @NailDyanC - Yes... I did look into it, perhaps I should have been more articulate in that I am attempting to use Aggregate Functions. So if I have www.pledge.org?utm_campaign="help" to capture the correct campaign into a pledge record. Then I effectively want www.pledge.org/results?utm_campaign="help" to pull an aggregated sum of all of the pledge values. SELECT campaign, SUM(amount) FROM PLEDGE WHERE campaign = 'help' GROUP BY campaign It appears that I can only run Aggregate calculations on search and report pages (https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/reports/advanced-reporting/totals-and-aggregations/). It works as a report but the formatting is nothing like what you have pulled off above (and I haven't found a way to run the SUM/Aggregate in Details Page).
  2. GOAL: I'm looking for a way to publish a single (SUM) number in an embed. CONTEXT: We are running a live event next month (and a couple through the end of the year), I have a parameterized form that collects pledges or committments. So I have a record that has a `campaign` and `total_amount`. On the same page - I would like to publish a large number that reflects the SUM of the `total_amount` with a parameterized filter on the campaign. I have it working on the tabular reports (and a version of pie charts), but haven't sorted out how to do it as a single large currency value without including the details below? Any hints or examples out there?
  3. SOLVED. There are some subtile differences based on the deployment method... FOR the pure URL method the HTML tag used <a href="https://[app].caspio.com/dp/[appKey]?CustodialAccountNumber=[@field:Institution_accounts_CustodialAccountNumber]">Details Page</a> Subforms (tabular reports) followed a similar construction when constructing the src element of the iFrame. If you are using hosted html (NOT the Caspio HTML pages - I could not get those to accept any parameters), then I recommend the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uPz1cOwNiU
  4. ISSUE: Parameterized URLs work in preview mode between data pages, but receive the following error in deployed state. Error - Cannot display DataPage due to multiple embedded deployments. CONTEXT: I'm using a series of data pages to search and then redirect to forms to edit objects (normalized many-to-many relationship) following the instructions (https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/tech-parameters/how-to-create-a-one-to-many-relational-datapage/). In preview mode - it is working perfectly. User Steps 1. Account Search - Use search to identify a selection of accounts, on the desired row, click on the `Edit Account` HTML Link (https://[app].caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=[app_GUID]&CustodialAccountNumber=[Value]) 2. Account Detail Form - The form is called and CustodianAccountNumber passed in the URL. Error message appears. Note: I haven't even added any HTML subblocks to add subreports or other deployments into this page. I have reviewed troubleshooting guidance (https://howto.caspio.com/troubleshooting/why-javascript-is-not-working-with-multiple-datapages-deployed-on-one-page/), and have confirmed both criteria (correct field reference, correct form reference and no duplicate appkeys in the application.)
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