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Conditional Display On Results Page

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I'd like to dynamically change the color background of a results page.  Caspio provides Javascript to do this, but it operates on a single condition.  Here's the code they provide:


var isi = document.getElementById("visi[@field:UniqueFieldName]");
if('[@Yes/No FieldName]' == 'Yes'){
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#YesColor';
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#NoColor';

This works great on a single yes/no condition, but I need to have four different colors displayed depending on the condition of a single field:

If fielda=1, display color 1

If fielda=2, display color 2

If fielda=3, display color 3

If field a=4, display color 4.

I love Caspio because as a non-programmer,  I can do many, many things.  But I don't code and could use some help modifying the java script to produce the outcome I'm seeking.  I'd be very grateful if someone could provide assistance.  The datapage is a tabular report.

Many thanks.


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Take this sample code below and play around with it a bit. - Note the script works based upon a select dropdown .. then targets a DIV by changing it's background color and placing the selected value into the targeted span id. - This may help you alter your code to achieve similar results.


<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>Untitled Document</title>

<select id="fielda">
	<option value="0">Select</option>
    <option value="1">one</option>
    <option value="2">two</option>
    <option value="3">three</option>
    <option value="4">four</option>

<div id="answerBox" style="background:#ccc; width:50%; margin:20px auto; border:1px solid red; padding:5px; color:#000; font-size:14px">Answer = <span id="selectNmbr" style="color:red; font-weight:bold">Selected Option</span>
var select = document.getElementById("fielda");
select.onchange = function(){
    var selectedString = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;
	if (selectedString == "1") {
		document.getElementById("answerBox").style.background = 'pink';
		document.getElementById("selectNmbr").innerHTML = selectedString;
 else if (selectedString == "2") {
		document.getElementById("answerBox").style.background = 'lime';
	 document.getElementById("selectNmbr").innerHTML = selectedString;
	 else if (selectedString == "3") {
		document.getElementById("answerBox").style.background = 'cyan';
		 document.getElementById("selectNmbr").innerHTML = selectedString;
	else if (selectedString == "4") {
		document.getElementById("answerBox").style.background = 'gold';
		document.getElementById("selectNmbr").innerHTML = selectedString;
 else {
document.getElementById("answerBox").style.background = '#ccc';
document.getElementById("selectNmbr").innerHTML = "Selected Option";
alert("nothing selected");


Good luck, LMK how it goes.

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Wow!  Many thanks.  I'm pretty good with Caspio functionality but get a bit lost when code starts getting involved.  Please share how to deploy the code?  I assume it is deployed in a HTML Block on the results page.  Also, the field that determines the color of the row is already in the table by row.  There isn't a need to select anything.   The background color of the row should be already in the table.  Would that change how this is built?

 This looks like quite a bit of thinking.  I really appreciate the effort and look forward to your guidance.



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Well.. based on the code example you and caspio provided, I'd start from there, like so (again based on a drop down):

var isi = document.getElementById("visi[@field:UniqueFieldName]");
var select = document.getElementById("fielda");
var selectedString = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value;

if (selectedString == "1") {
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#firstColor';
else if (selectedString == "2"){
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#secondColor';
else if (selectedString == "3"){
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#thirdColor';
else if (selectedString == "4"){
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#fourthColor';
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#defaultColor';

This script should go at the bottom of the page in an HTML block .. and the colors would be hexadecimal like (#0000FF) or just "cyan", "yellow" etc.. but no number sign when using just color names.


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Or .. given that it's a results page, maybe this is more accurate:

var isi = document.getElementById("visi[@field:UniqueFieldName]");

if ('[@choiceList FieldName]' == "1") {
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#firstColor';
else if ('[@choiceList FieldName]' == "2"){
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#secondColor';
else if ('[@choiceList FieldName]' == "3"){
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#thirdColor';
else if ('[@choiceList FieldName]' == "4"){
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#fourthColor';
isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#defaultColor';

With "choiceList" being the results page targeted field name. Just change it to your unique field name.

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