I'm using the List Datapage. Looks good on the web, bad when printed. When I download and print a PDF, the text sizes are off. My name data (would be the title tags in my excel sheet), are very large and lower down in relation to the cell text. (see attached)
1) How would I make all text in my printed PDF the same size?
2) Does anyone know how to evenly space out information in the List view?
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I'm using the List Datapage. Looks good on the web, bad when printed. When I download and print a PDF, the text sizes are off. My name data (would be the title tags in my excel sheet), are very large and lower down in relation to the cell text. (see attached)
1) How would I make all text in my printed PDF the same size?
2) Does anyone know how to evenly space out information in the List view?
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