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How to change the background color of the record depending on the time value

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I have a table with the Date/Time field and a Tabular Report DataPage based on this table.

What I need is to change the  background color of those records that have time value greater than 12:30 to red and others to green.


Does anyone know how to achieve that?


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Hello @Septimana,

I used this article  https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/how-to-dynamically-change-the-background-of-a-results-page/  to customize the code for this particular case.

1) Add the HTML block to the "Search and Report Wizard - Configure Results Page Fields" page. Disable the HTML editor on the Advanced tab.

2) Paste the code in the HTML block

<span id="row[@field:id#]">[@field:id#]</span> 

var dateObj = new Date('[@field:Date_field]'); // use your field name with Date/Time data types here instead of the [@field:Date_field]
var dateInMinutes = dateObj.getHours()*60 + dateObj.getMinutes(); 

var MINUTES_FLAG = 750; //12 hours*60minutes+30minutes = 750 minutes, you may customize the value 

 if(dateInMinutes > MINUTES_FLAG) {
     document.getElementById("row[@field:id#]").parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor= "lightpink"; 
 } else {
     document.getElementById("row[@field:id#]").parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor= "lightgreen";


Replace all field names with your local field names. 

Use the unique field in your table instead of the [@field:id#] field in the code above.

The output is the following:


Hope this helps.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello - Just wanted to share another way to dynamically change the color of the calculated value/field when a condition is met using CSS.

You can insert this in the Header:

span.cbFormCalculatedField:has(+ input[name="cbParamVirtual1"][value="No"])  {
  color: #2543be;

span.cbFormCalculatedField:has(+ input[name="cbParamVirtual1"][value="Yes"])  {
  color: #29be25;


If you have more conditions or other fields, you can use this:

span.cbFormCalculatedField:has(+ input[name="cbParamVirtual1"][value="No"])  {
  color: #2543be;

span.cbFormCalculatedField:has(+ input[name="cbParamVirtual1"][value="Yes"])  {
  color: #29be25;

span.cbFormCalculatedField:has(+ input[name="InsertRecordFIELDNAME"][value="Inactive"])  {
  color: #2543be;

span.cbFormCalculatedField:has(+ input[name="InsertRecordFIELDNAME"][value="Active"])  {
  color: #29be25;

Hope it helps!

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  • 4 months later...

 Hi! You can also use this CSS code in other Form Elements:

Text Field and Email

input[name="InsertRecordFIELDNAME"][value="Active"] {
  color: green;

Display-Only field

span.cbFormData:has(+ input[name="InsertRecordFIELDNAME"][value="Active"]) {
  color: green;


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  • 8 months later...

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