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Show alert message when criteria met - InlineEdit Report

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Hi everyone - I would like to ask for assistance in my Report DataPage. I have two fields that need to be checked before editing or submitting the data in the checkbox. Basically, if Field1 is blank and the Field2 is equal to a certain word then the user should not be able to check a checkbox and an alert will show. 

Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi @Catra - to achieve this, it will require you to have a calculated field, JS and CSS.

First, create a Calculated field that will compare the two fields or set the criteria. For example this:

CASE WHEN [@field:Name] ='' AND [@field:Comments] = 'Candidate'
THEN 'Show'
'No show'

Next, add Header and Footer. Make sure to disable it first on the Advanced Tab. 

In the Footer, copy and paste this code:

<script type="text/javascript">

document.addEventListener("change", function(event){

//check if input that is being changed is an Inline Edit Field

//first calc field occurrence value
var calc = event.target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll('td[class*="cbResultSetCalculatedField"]')[0].innerHTML;

//check if Calculated field is Show - means show the alert message
if(calc =='Show'){

alert("Please change");



this code will check the behavior of the checkbox and then make it unchecked and show the message when the user ticks the checkbox. 



If you want it to be equal to only one field in the InlineEdit, you can use this:


<script type="text/javascript">

document.addEventListener("change", function(event){

//check if input that is being changed is an Inline Edit Field

//first calc field occurrence value
var calc = event.target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelectorAll('td[class*="cbResultSetCalculatedField"]')[0].innerHTML;

//check if Calculated field is Show - means show the alert message
if(calc =='Show'){

alert("Please change");



If you want to HIDE the calculated field, you can insert this CSS in the Header:

form[action*='[@cbAppKey]'] tr.cbResultSetDataRow td:nth-child(4),
form[action*='[@cbAppKey]'] tr.cbResultSetTableHeader th:nth-child(4) /* replace 4 with the number position of column you want to hide */
display:none !important;


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