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Data page on Multiple webpages



I am sure this has been solved dozens of times but I can’t figure the answer.


1)      I have a WordPress website with many individual product pages (with product details & descriptions)

2)      I have a summary page with product pics, name and short description

When the user clicks the product on the summary page, I link to the appropriate product page with the usual  Https://URL/?Prod1 or  Https://URL/?Prod3 or Https://URL/?Prod3  Etc

On every product page have deployed the same very simple Data-page and all it does is show the current product availability and dates

As you can imagine, this all works very nicely when the user accesses the product page via the summary page.

The problem

 A member of the public searching the web  accesses (from the google SERP)  the product page directly (i.e. not via the summary page) and so naturally there is no ‘/?prodx’ passed and the result is ‘no record found’. (Since the user has already arrived at their preferred web product page- it seems stupid to ask which product code they want availability for)

Each web product page already shows the product code – How can I pass the product code from the web product page to the Data Page embedded on the same  page?  (basically spoof the ‘/?prodx’ or is there a better way?)

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2 answers to this question

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6 minutes ago, WatashiwaJin said:

Hi @ColinAus,

What I suggest on that situation is to have an option for your user to click a link when "No records found" is displayed. To do that you can add an HTML link on your localization. 

Check sample below:



Or you can just add a use "Link to search form" on your report configuration for the user to click :

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