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"Show All" and "Match blank values" for the same field



I am seeing more and more of posts sharing their discoveries so I figure I share something I found out about as well. This may not be a common workflow and some people might know this already but here it is:

So when creating search forms, we can only select either one of these options for a field.
But some scenarios calls for both of them. Like in my case, I have records without a value in a certain field and for us, that means the record is still unassigned and at times, we need to search for unassigned records but other times we also need preview the entire list to see which needs to be prioritized as it is sorted out by the date.

So for that, I need both "Show All" and "Match blank values". To create this,

1. Add two criteria for the  field.

2. Set the first criteria's Form element to "Dropdown" and add the options as you normally do. Add a default option with a blank value to show all records. In Advanced tab, set "If left blank:" > Ignore field in search criteria.

3. For the second criteria, change the label to "Unassigned" or any preferred label for records with blank values on that field. Then change the comparison type to "Is Blank". The Form Element should automatically change to "Checkbox".

4. Create a Rule to avoid users from ticking unassigned and selecting a value at the same time.
Criteria: (Criteria 1) is not blank
Actions: (Criteria 2) disabled

I hope this somewhat helps. 

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