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Forbid adding 0

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I have a tabular report with inline add and edit options enabled. 
Due to the logic of my application, I cannot accept  0 (zero) as a value in one of number inputs.
To restrict adding 0 while adding new or editing existing values in tabular report, I used the following script:

if(typeof enforceNoZeroInput == 'undefined') {
const inputAddName = 'InlineAddInteger_1'
const inputEditName = 'InlineEditInteger_1'
const enforceNoZeroInput = () => { 
 document.addEventListener('input', (e)=>{  
  if (e.target.getAttribute('name').indexOf(inputAddName) > -1 || e.target.getAttribute('name').indexOf(inputEditName) > -1) {
    if (e.target.value == '0' ) {
        e.target.value = ''
        alert('zero value is forbidden')
    }}}, true)
document.removeEventListener('DataPageReady', enforceNoZeroInput )}
document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', enforceNoZeroInput )

Where "InlineAddInteger_1"  is the name of the input in inline add section of tabular report where 0 is not allowed
And "InlineEditInteger_1" is the name of the input in inline edit section of tabular report where 0 is not allowed
You can find names of your inputs in the source code when inspecting them in your browser



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