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Currency value in Details Page

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Hi! I just want to share something related to the Currency field on a details page. As of now, if we try to make a Currency field editable on the details page (Changing its form element from 'Display Only' into 'Text Field'), the dollar sign and trailing zero is automatically removed from its decimal. 

Here is the behavior of the Currency Field in 'Display Only' form element: 
And, it displays differently when changed into 'Text Field' form element:


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Since changing the form element into 'Text Field' removes the value's dollar sign and zero in its decimal, one solution for this is the following JavaScript code. Kindly try this on the Footer section of your Details Page: 


<span style="display: none" id="tablevalue">[@field:CurrencyNumber$]</span>

<script type="text/javascript">

document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', function (event) {

var field = document.querySelector("#EditRecordCurrencyNumber");

var tablevalue =  document.querySelector("#tablevalue").innerHTML;

field.value = tablevalue;



Note: Just change all the 'CurrencyNumber' in the code into your Currency field name.

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